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Standing tall gaining attention as always. He who seemed to never look at anyone except me. And even the people seemed to be taken by him. Because everyone goes silent in his presence.

"You, what business do you have here?"

Mr. Darius asked him.

"And you are?", the man came forward. He was too tall. Taller than any men around us.

"I-I am the head of the village"

"Seems to me as a mere worker", all his men clothed in black started laughing. Mr. Darius's face flushed with anger.

"Do I need to remind you that the people of your village owe me a huge sum of money?", he asked folding his strong arms.

"B-but we are punishing him first"

"Of course", he walked closer to Mr. Darius who slightly shivered under his stare. The man suddenly pointed his gun at the leader's head.

"Do I look like I give a fuck? I want my money or I swear I will turn this place into a battlefield"

Then his gaze turned towards me making me run for the hills.

"I assume you don't have my money, do you?"

Why do I always feel that the atmosphere around us turns electric whenever he talks to me. Upon not getting an answer he walked towards me yanking me up. I was weaker than usual because of the lack of food and water. My feet were slightly in the air.

"N-no, I-I was...."

"No money no life which means I should kill you, right?"

My eyes widened. But I had nothing to say. He had given me time.

"I-i tried but I was fulfilling the punishment that I deserved", I didn't want to put my people in trouble.

He looked at me with confusion. "Deserved. How?"

"I b-broke one of the r-rule"

"Which fucking rule?!", he shooked me. I could tell he was getting angrier by second.

"No one kisses a person unless one is married to him or her"

It was Roman who answered for me. At this time Roman felt a lot safer from this man whose name was still unknown. So, when the man left me I quickly stood beside Roman. He was well built but hardly stood a chance against this man. But still, he was familiar to me.

My action got Roman puzzled and the man's eyes to get darker.

"What kind of rule is that? Whatever I don't have time for this shit. You know what my rule is? Someone must die"

Everyone around us gasped including me.

He reached us jerking me out from behind Roman. The man touched his gun on my face. Tracing my lips with the gun he looked into my eyes as if searching my soul.

"Precisely your loved one must die, Doll. Remember what I told you yesterday?"

"No please listen to me. I was just following the rules. Don't hurt my grandma. Please, I beg you" I clutched his jacket with both of my hands.

"You don't need to beg to anyone, Gabe", Roman was being helpful but he was putting himself in danger.

"Ohh little lover boy here is pissed off ......Gabe... cute name", he said the last part in my ear slightly kissing me there.

"But...", he left me there and went over to Roman, "Dante's word is law so your fucking rules are child's play to me"

Dante.........a dangerous name.

"I want my fucking money back", he shouted at Roman making him flinch. He then turned towards his men.

"Go bring his grandmother here"

My heart stopped beating for a second. No!

"NO! please don't do this, please", I kneeled in front of him.

"Take him and put him in the car"

"Please don't. please i-i"

"If I give you one more day these stupid people will come up with another stupid rule. Wait. They won't if I ordered not to, right?", he looked around the crowd.

"No. T-They will hurt my grandma if not me. R-Rules are taken seriously over here"

He looked down at me as if calculating something and then he sworn. The next I know he was kissing me. I pushed him away which was next to impossible. But I think I caught him off guard because he left his hold on me and stepped away from me a little.

"Y-You cant k-kiss me"

"Why the hell not?", he shouted enraged making me shiver.

"Only married people kiss or else it is a sin", I told him the truth.

"Wha...", the confusion evident in his eyes which were soon filled with anger. He seemed so unpredictable. With one jerk he pulled me towards him by my chin.

"Do you even know who the hell am I?", he shouted too close to my mouth. I felt myself shake in fear. He then put his lips on mine forcefully kissing me.

No! It was a sin. I struggled against him but he had a strong grip on my back. I was dying of shame. Putting a show like this in front of all, he really was evil.

I slapped him with all the force I had as soon as he pulled away. He hardly flinched but there were guns pointing at me the second later by his men. I held my breath.

The so-called Dante man made them back down just by a flicker of his hand. His power added more to my fear, but I did not show it. Never breaking our eye contact, I continued staring at him expressing no fear. He had a signature smug look on his face. The slap did not even faze him.

"No need for violence doll. Isn't it a sin to hurt your husband?", he said with a fake concerned look.

I felt the hair on the back of my neck stand at attention.


Pulling me closer by my waist Dante replied, "Oh come on now doll, you just said some time ago that we need to be married to do the kissing and stuff so we are doing just that!"




Marrying the devil 18+ | Book 2 |Where stories live. Discover now