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"Passion is one great force that unleashes creativity, because if you're passionate about something, then you're more willing to take risks "

Gabe's POV,

It felt like water was coming from all the sides. My eyes were shut closed due to the force of water. I started pressing other buttons hoping to find the stop switch. After some time, I managed to pry my eyes open. But the sight horrified me. Not only there was water everywhere but it was also mixed with soap foam which was increasing by seconds. With the nonstop shower and the bathtub foam, the once beautiful bathroom had turned into a mess. And if I didn't stop this it would destroy the bedroom too. I turned pale. No. I don't want to face Dante's wrath. 

I began pressing buttons. One by one. Light switch, started forming on the glass door of the again light....ugh. Somehow I managed to stop the foam I guess or were they out of foam I don't know. But I was grateful for that. The foam had accumulated so much that I could not even find the drain. It was such chaos and I knew that it was out of my reach to solve this.

And I did the one thing I prevented from the start. I cried.


Dante's POV,

Reaching my penthouse, I noticed Julio guarding outside. I nodded at him and entered. 

I fucking cannot wait to see my doll. Fuck! just the thought of him gives me a hard time. Even during my meeting, Gabe caused me a problem. A big problem. In my pants. And I had to kill that betraying Russian fucker faster and come home. After I have met Gabe my routine and obsession with having fun before killing people is ruined. I guess I was growing a new obsession.

Just wait for it princess, tonight I will be so deep inside you that you will feel it for days. I came an hour early, I wonder if he was awake yet. Making my way into my bedroom I noticed that the bed was empty. My senses perked as I heard small noises....sobbing noises from the bathroom.

My little angel was crying. Leaning against the glass wall of the shower with his hands around his knees, he had his head down making small noises. I groaned even his whimpering makes me horny.

He looked up at me and I busted in my pants. Those pure blue eyes staring at me with tears in them. I could get used to this. Hell yeah, I was evil.

"D-D-Dante...", and this voice too. I turned my attention to what he was saying although I missed some of it.  

"........Non-e-est medium. P-Paenitet"     

(I-I-I didn't mean to. I am s-sorry)

Fuck and that accent too.


Now that my attention turned to my surroundings. I was shocked to see my bathroom. There were soap bubbles on the floor and water all over Gabe. What the hell happened in here? 

I realized he must have tried the buttons in here. I laughed internally. He was too cute. Too fucking cute.

"Paenitet...Paenitet" (sorry...sorry)

He looked terribly sorry and tired but it would kill me if I did not roast him now. I laughed evilly. In my mind of course.

Putting on my stone face, I cleared my throat.

"Quid Tibi vis in via ita ut Mundus totus est?"

(So how are you going to clean all this?)

"E-ego autem, Ego promitto" (I will, I promise)

He got up immediately with hopeful eyes making me groan again. His shirt was wet like dripping wet making his entire body visible. and his pants left nothing to the imagination.

"Ego autem n-non placet, et non nocuerunt mihi:", he said.

(I will but please don't hurt me)

"Ego non parcam", I said my voice getting hoarse.  ( I will not )

I went closer to him. I closed the distance between us and bent down to speak closer to his lips.

"Procul ab animo hoc malum facere Tibi. Malo fucking",

(Hurting you is far from my mind doll. I prefer fucking)

I watched as his eyes widened and his breathing escalated. His ears turned red too. Cute. I took his left ear in my mouth and sucked on it.

"U-u-mmm.... um-mm-m, Dante, ma-manere" (w-wait)

His little hands started pushing against my chest. It was more of a feather push if you know what I mean.

"M-ma-manere.... p-prohi...",  (W-wait...S-stop)

I captured his luscious wet lips and sucked harder on them shutting him out. Snaking my arms around his waist I picked him up and pushed him against the stone wall. My suit was soaked too but I could care less.

I pulled away a little to stare into Gabe's eyes which were closed and his breathing was frantic. Again I kissed him. This time I could hear him whimper. Bringing our bodies closer I spoke,

" Fucking in balneo est meus ventus semper fuisse"

(Fucking in the bathroom has always been my favorite)

Gabe shuddered under my gaze as his big blue eyes stared into mine with fear, anxiety and .........passion. I smirked. Someone got excited.



Gabe's POV,

With wet clothes and this man sticking to me like a glue it was impossible to loosen his hold on me.

"N-nnnghh....", again I made that weird sound when Dante lick my neck and the place below my ears. Clutching on his now wet coat tightly I again pushed him harder. I breathed heavily when he did not move even an inch. Instead, he chuckled and bit my ear making me gasp out loud.

"Non resistunt, Doll or ego te ad lectum concatenata......nudus"

(Do not resist Doll, or I will chain you to bed....naked)

The last part made the tiny hairs at the back of my neck stand up as I shivered a little. And stopped resisting.

"Vis enim?" (Do you want that?)

"Nihil!!", (NOooo) I whispered shouted making him smirk again. I narrowed my eyes at him. The foam around us had dried but still needed cleaning.

"R-redige te i-in balneo"

( I-I will clean t-the bathroom )

But I regretted saying that because Dante narrowed his eyes. No.. no.. Do not make the devil angry. Do not!

He grabbed my jaw hard making me shut my eyes close.

" Tu modo ad me audite et meum sequi mandatis, id dice"

(You will only listen to me and follow my orders, say it)

"Ego solum audire te"

(I will only listen to you),

I said with great difficulty as his grip tighten around my jaw.

" Et ?" (And?)

" E-et tua i-iussa" (A-And follow your o-orders)

I said with tears brimming the edge of my eyes threatening to fall.

Dante gave me a light kiss and said,

"Bonum. Nunc depone vestimenta sua "

(Good. Now take off your clothes)






LOVE FROM PUMPKIN.........................

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