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"The real meaning of enlightenment is to gaze with undimmed eyes on all darkness"


I lay there on the ground unmoving, holding my breath waiting for the man to shoot at me. I could tell that he was really tall, even though he was sitting on a chair. 

There was a gun in his hand. But the gun was the last thing of my concern. My attention was fixed on something much .......darker.

It was the look in his eyes, dark pitch black eyes. It was a like a black hole pulling you in its darkness. It was like he was staring into my soul. 

But strangely, there was a feeling in my heart that he would not shoot me. I didn't know the reason for that feeling. Why was I feeling it? 

Why does this man here feel like he is not my killer but my savior?

"Get up"

'Up', It was a command that even the powerful of kings would oblige to do.
But my bones and muscles were paralyzed on the spot. They would not move for the life of them.

Suddenly someone was yanking me... some other man picked me up by my shirt collar.

"Do you wanna die?"

I noticed he was speaking in another language.....probably ...English, because 'up' was an English word, right? Which made me even harder to answer. Since I didn't speak it. But I could catch some of the words. 

'Die'..... I didn't want to die yet. My grandma needs me.


"Listen, boy, I dislike whoever interrupts my work. So you better give me a good reason for your invasion or I'll finish you off before him"

He said pointing towards the injured man.
It was too fast for my understanding.

"P-please m-me s-speak only L-Latin"
I said with my broken English.

There were loud whispering of people around the room. But nothing could hold my attention because the look in his eyes was indescribable. They held so many secrets......

"Quid tu hic?", he asked in my language. He was as fluent in Latin as he was in English which added to his already perfect self.  

(Why are you here?)

"Obsecro ne interficias eum", I stuttered out.

 (P-please d-do not kill h-him)  

He raised his eyebrows in question. 

"Sic igitur, cum pecunia habetis?"

(So then, do you have the money?)

Money? I looked down at Mr. Colby who had somewhat gained consciousness murmuring something. Grandma was right people who go on the wrong path always end up in their own sins. But I have to help him somehow, it was what grandma told me too. To help people in need even if we have to sacrifice our needs for them.

"Nunc autem non placet, dona nobis aliquamdiu"

(N-not now but please give us some time)

"Factum est II menses iam debitum", he spoke calmly never breaking eye contact from me.

(It is already been 2 months due)  

I gasped, Mr. Colby sure was hiding over here taking this guy's money. What should I do? I hardly had 100 dollars in my account. Most of my money earned is spent on the medicines for grandma. I bent down in front of Mr. Colby. He looked at me and his eyes widened in recognition.

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