Chapter 6 - Closer

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After a nice dinner in a larger nearby town, Andrew and Maggie headed for home. The kids would love staying at their grandparents’ house for the night so that Maggie and Andrew could enjoy some much needed, and all too rare, time alone. Her mom pinch hit for them because of the short notice. She said they’d leave before the love birds could get home.

As they neared home, Maggie held her husband’s hand tight. She hadn’t seen him much this week, due to his case. After fourteen years of marriage, and several very rough years, they’d come to a new, more appreciative view of life, and worked hard at keeping it together.

As they came upon the main road to town, the fire truck blew its horn and pulled out, passing them before Andrew could pull the car over. Another truck followed, as well as the fire chief’s truck and several patrol cars.

“Go ahead and follow, dear. You won’t be happy until you know what’s going.” He nodded, trying not to smile at the idea of being part of the action.


The team was leaving when the fire trucks were heard whizzing down the main street. “Let’s go see what’s up.” Joe was already in his truck and waiting for everyone else to jump on board.

They pulled up in front of a house that was fully engulfed. People littered the street, trying to get a view of the action, or wanting to help but feeling helpless. Joe asked the Fire Chief if there was anything they could do to help. “Call this number. Ask for Detective Billings. He’ll wanna know about this.” Joe heard something before anyone else; something that reminded him of the I.E.D. explosion that took two of his best friends’ lives. “Chief, get everyone out of here NOW... that house is fixing to blow! Trust me on this!”

Chief Jordan nodded and backed everyone across the street, trying to disperse the excess crowds gathering. Billings pulled up just then, parked the car on the curb, and started towards the house. No one had time to grab him. With a crack that sounded like a thousand bolts of lightning, the roof broke under the duress of the flames, yielding to the heat. The cave-in triggered something inside, sending sparks, flames, glass and metal in every direction with a thunderous detonation that sucked in before blowing out.

Billings lay on the ground, surrounded by pieces of plaster, wood, and upholstery which were still being consumed by the flames. His wife tried to run over to him, but a firefighter stopped her. “Is this your house ma’am?” She shook her head, but didn’t answer. He repeated his question, grasping her shoulders so as to maintain eye contact.

“No. It’s our neighbors’ house. They have four little children. Please tell me they weren’t in there. Please... they have to be okay. Oh, Lord, save them!” She fell to her knees on the sidewalk, tears racking her body as her anguished screams ripped from her throat. Her husband was still unconscious on the lawn.

Sadly the fire chief knew that it was too dangerous to send his men in with the unknown explosives, and if anyone was in there, it was too late for them anyway. They continued to spray, mostly so that the other houses wouldn’t catch, though in vain at this point. The fire had to be out so that they could determine the origin and cause.

This was no accident.


Billings came to, and an E.M.T. was hovering over him. He gave the man a strange look, and the technician explained, “You have oxygen on. You were pretty close to that fire; why you’re alive is a mystery to me.”

“I think I’m okay, pardner. I need to check on my wife. Where’s my wife?” The agitation of not knowing that Maggie was okay was starting to show.

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