Chapter 14 - Race

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As they barrelled down the highway towards Tybee Island like a bat from the hot place, the rain continued to pour. Visibility became very limited, to the point where they were only going twenty miles an hour. They reached Savannah, and had to slow again to obey speed limits, but were happy to see that most of the squad cars were waving them through.

At the bridge that goes over the Wilmington River, they were forced to stop. Not for police cars, but because the drawbridge was up as a boat with high antennas waded past.

"Are they oblivious to the hurricane? Oh, come on!" Leroy shouted. Paul simply placed a hand on his buddy's shoulder, patted it, as if to say "it's okay buddy. It won't be long."

Some five minutes later, the bridge finally went back down to allow traffic, which happened to be two utility trucks heading into a hurricane, to continue.

"Fifteen minutes, baby. I'll be there in fifteen minutes."


The doorknob continued to jiggle. "Come on, Medicine Mang. I know you in der." Natasha had moved into the bathtub, which had closing doors. She hoped in futility that he would give up. She needed him to give up.

Just then the door gave. "Whut dah..?" Was all she heard. His ragged breathing filled the room and threatened to surround her. She prayed he wouldn't look in the bathtub but, "Well, well, well. Whut we gots heeuh. A purty lil ho." She stood and punched him for that one.

"I am many things you don't like, and maybe even hate, but a whore is not one of them."

Jo-Jo grabbed her by the hair and forced her from the bathtub. He called Romeo.

"We gots a ishuh. A ho is heeuh, but Medicine Mang ain't nowhere. Whatchu want me ta do wit her? I can think of sump'm, but she done punched me already, so she's a fightuh."

Romeo exasperated sigh preceded his instructions. "You ain't gon hurt her. Aks her name."

"Whut's yo name, b***h?"

She hit him hard for that one. "It ain't that. Tell him it's his old friend, the Lady Detective. He knows me. Too well."

"Yeah, I know hur. She took down sum our frins. Sum ub 'em in jail, and a couple dead, cuz uh hur. Jus wait for Medicine Mang and see whut he gots ta say. Don't do nuffin wit hur until you took care uh him."

He slammed his phone shut. So she was a cop, the po-po, a pig, and all those other names too. Why was she here?

He hit her square in the face. Blood began to gush from her nose. "Where he at?"


Jeremy hit his steering wheel. The third, and last, store was out of half of what he needed. They'd have to make due in the dark. A snicker escaped him. They'd have a little to eat, but he wasn't sure there would be enough for more than a couple of days.

He still had to figure out how to deal with the Nosey Detective. Killing her would have ups and downs. Keeping her with him  could possibly work, but she would eventually force him to either let her go or kill her. He could let her go. But why?

As he rounded the corner towards the little cabin, he noticed an old suped up Lincoln Town car. It  looked like a car he'd seen before, a while back, when Romeo and B.R. had a visitor by the name of ...  "Jo-Jo!" He made Romeo seem like a newborn kitten. He was Romeo's cousin, and could shoot the antennae off a caterpillar. Not to mention his brute strength.

Two things crossed his mind: running the other way was the first. He knew Jo-Jo had a mission and it was to kill him. His other, less desirable and more likely to not save his life, was to go in there and take the guy out. He also had Nosey to worry about. He wasn't too worried, though. When Jo-Jo figured out she was a cop, it would become a reign of terror for her.

Tropical Threat (#3 - Semper Fi Series )Where stories live. Discover now