Chapter 9 - Support

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Her breaths were coming in too fast and her head started to spin. She closed her eyes to abate the feeling, but that action made the spinning faster. She sat down, put her head between her knees, and tried to calm down. Lee's hands rested on her shoulders, and he was seemingly very calm. She knew better. This morning had been a rollercoaster of fear and anger and it only took every ounce of his being and remembering all of his training for him to refrain from going on a personal manhunt. She could feel his tension mounting.

Lee walked away, trying to remain calm. Natasha saw right through his bravado; he was worried she would pass out. That note had him seething and he was ready to find this clown and deck him for threatening his wife. He now knew it was the same person she suspected of murder; only, they didn't know who they were looking for. The image of the man in the lobby popped  into his mind. If he thought leaving her was wise, he'd go down and question that guy Delta Squad style: no holds barred. Lee was pretty sure the guy had tried to follow him up to their suite, but he made sure the man couldn't. If only Joe and the rental car would hurry and get here. He wanted to get his wife out of here quick.

A knock on the door startled both of them and jerked their gazes towards the door. "Who is it?" Lee hollered, scaring her even more.

"Deputy Payton of the Martin County Sheriff's department. I was called to come and take a statement about a rental car being vandalized." Not trusting anyone without first seeing proper identification, Lee put his eye to the peephole. "I.D. and Badge. Now!" A suddenly nervous deputy took a quick look down and after a moment of moving around produced his credentials, flashing his badge at the peephole until he heard the locks release. 

"Deputy. Sorry to put you through that. We have a good reason. We've received a threatening note in with the rental car papers. My wife is very shaken up. We're pretty sure it's the same guy who's suspected in a string of fires, explosions, attempted murders, and murders."

Without missing a beat, the deputy asked, "You work for Grubbs County? That case is all over the news, and every law enforcement agency I know wants a piece of the action in finding this guy. Whatever we can do to help, ma'am, just let us know." Natasha, not saying a word, handed the Deputy the note. He read it and looked ready to shoot the author of the offending words on site. "We'll be glad to escort you back if you need it."

Before he could explain that someone was on the way, another demanding rap sounded on the door. "Who is it?" Lee bellowed for the second time in five minutes.

"Holbrook!" Natasha's face  and shoulders visibly relaxed at the sound of her friend's name.

Lee let him in, and Joe almost knocked him down getting over to Natasha. "How are you?"

"I've been great up until just a few minutes ago. Deputy, would you mind handing him the paper?" Deputy Payton did as she requested, and after reading it, Joe balled his fist up. "Yeah, that was pretty much Lee's reaction, too."

"Well, congratulating you two seems out of place now, doesn't it? All the same, it's about time the two of you figured out that you're better off together." Joe smiled his crooked grin and winked at Natasha. He pulled her up off the couch to give her a hug. She held on longer than necessary, but considering the circumstances, Lee let her take what comfort she could. The bond between Natasha and Joe was as close as blood-related siblings.

"I have a killer to catch. Add attempted murder and threatening bodily harm and he'll be in the pen for five lifetimes."

The deputy spoke up again. "Didja hear 'bout the murder at the pharmacy in Marketville? Apparently some heavy narcotics were taken, and a middle aged clerk was shot.

Natasha just shook her head. "I betcha it's related to the other cases. We have five dead, two injured, and several explosive fires in the last seven days. We need to find him soon. Normally, I'm the most level-headed detective in the County, but if this case keeps going like it has been, I may crack. It's insanity. Is there any surveillance footage from that robbery/murder? I'd love to see it. Maybe we can get an idea of who we're looking for."

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