Chapter 16 - Found

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"Gentlemen, we're unarmed! It wouldn't be right if you shot us. Right now, as far as anyone else is concerend, we're just stranded citizens waiting out a brutal storm." Jeremy's innocent citizen act was good, but not enough to convince them to just let him be.

"Fair enough, Moore. Where's my wife?" Leroy demanded, ready to pounce like a lion after a gazelle.

"I haven't seen her since she went to the first aid area. So, your guess is as good as mine." As Jeremy finished speaking, the power went out. The howling wind threatened to flatten even the sturdiest of buildings. The rain had turned into solid sheets of water pouring mercilessly from the sky. Everyone knew flooding was a real possibility. They'd seen it happen with Hurricane Katrina, and Savannah was well below sea level, not to mention the marshlands and inlets that poured into the Savannah River and the Atlantic Ocean. They were surrounded by water. A miracle would be the only way they'd come away from this storm without flooding.

"Go find her. We'll take care of this guy." Billings said, Max echoing the statement with a "go."


Emergency signs were the only things visible, and the battery operated flood lights were near the doorways, but most of the places in between were just pitch black. He hadn't thought to bring a flashlight for the hurry they were in to get down to Tybee Island. He'd have to walk slowly, feeling his way around until his eyes adjusted.

"Natasha!" He scooted slowly down the hall, careful to use the cinderblocked wall as his guide. "NATASHA! Where are you, baby?" He continued edging his way down. A door was at the end of the hallway led outside. He definitely didn't want to take that exit. He felt a corner on the wall. From what he could see, there weren't any other corridors,so he turned right. An unexpected feeling of peace enveloped him and words from his youth began to seep into his conscious mind. He spoke them aloud, willing himself not to panic.

"God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind." He suddenly remembered saying those same words in combat during missions. His faith had never been terribly strong, but he still had it. It was what brought him through many trials.

Another verse came to his thoughts. It was meant spiritually, but today he would say it out loud and ask for God to hear it literally. "'When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him.' God, this enemy, the hurricane and those two men in the gymnasium are coming in like a flood. Protect us all. Help me find her, God. NATASHA!" He heard a faint sound.

He kept praying every scripture that came to mind. "Thou, Oh Lord, are a shield for me. The glory and the lifter of my head."

"I am persuaded," he started as he turned into another hallway on his left, "that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature can ever separate us from..."

"The Love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord!" Natasha finished his sentence, and wrapped her arms around his waist. "I could hear you praying, Lee. You're praying again! So I just walked towards your voice. Thank you Jesus!"

Her voice was a balm to his soul, and he literally wanted to hug her until he hurt her. Instead, he kissed her gently. He moved his hand up to touch the back of her head and smoothed her hair. "Ouch!"

"Sorry honey! I forgot about that one!" He quickly moved his hands to hold the side of her head. They stood for a minute longer, and then he remembered the guys holding the criminals in the gym, so he stepped away.

"Don't let go yet." He let out a soft laugh, and kissed the top of her head. A shaking started, and he wrapped his good arm tighter around her shoulders, comforting his crying bride.

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