Chapter 10 - Memory

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The church was silent, except for a few sniffles here and there, and murmurs throughout the sanctuary. The entire Grubbs County High School Band and Softball team showed up in uniform for Marilee, and occupied all of the pews on the right side of the church. The other side, behind the family, was occupied by people in business suits, lab coats, and scrubs. All were obviously friends and colleagues of Bryan Phillips.

As the minister, and pastor of the church, entered, "I Can Only Imagine" played. It had been Marilee's favorite song and one she'd sung and signed it several times on varied special occasions. As a group of Marilee's friends stood at the front and signed the song, Annalee used every minute ounce of strength left not to crumble on the floor. After it ended, the minister did his best to encourage and comfort the myriad faces in front of him with hope of resurrection and eternal life.

After his comments, while another song began playing, several people let out a loud gasp as a woman in a wheelchair was wheeled to the front and parked next to the family. Annalee hugged her, saying, "Kerri, Ahm so happeh to see yew." Her body guards, Terry and Matt, sat directly behind her.

"I'm not discharged yet, but the doctor said I could come today. I'm so, so, sorr..." her tears finished the thought for her. Annalee hugged her while Bryan's favorite song played, and the two cried together for both losses.

The service was opened to those who wanted to speak. High school students and business people alike lined up to tell a quick story or tell Annalee and the family how grateful they were to know Bryan and Marilee. Tales of Bryan helping people who needed their medication and Marilee helping the less-popular and downtrodden in the school went on for over an hour.

Natasha and Lee had come late, but were standing in the back with Renee and Adam, guarding doors and watching the mourners for any signs of mischief. Natasha was wondering if the killer who caused this very service was cruel enough to show up. She wondered, still, if Jeremy was their man. He was a few rows back and Natasha was sure that Annalee didn't know of his presence. She didn't want him anywhere near her or her children, according to Renee.

Natasha's stare bored into his head. If he weren't already such a weasel, she'd think he was decent looking. Nothing compared to the man holding her hand, though.

As the last song played, the family stood and walked into a private room behind the altar. The teams guarding the family went with them as the friends of the deceased left the church.


After the service, a private luncheon was served, and only close friends were invited. The Team and the Law Enforcement who guarded the service were invited. Natasha entered the "small" luncheon and marvelled at the fact that there were still more than fifty people in the room.

Annalee, red and puffy from so many shed tears, stood. "Ah wanna thaynk y'all fer bein here fer us tuday. It means a whole lot to me and to the whole fam'ly that yer here. I wanna thaynk the ones in uniform for the extra protection. I know Bryan and Marilee would..." she had to breathe a moment before continuing, "would surely appreciate your act of kindness to-wards us. Thanks." She sat and her mother-in-law handed her another tissue.

Natasha introduced Lee to Mrs. Phillips and then hugged her. "If there's anything you need, please call. I mean it. I don't offer unless I do. Can I come by tomorrow?" The widow just nodded and hugged Natasha. "I have to go catch a criminal, but trust me, we're going to find him one way or another, and make him pay for this. You deserve that much. Okay?" They embraced again before Lee took Natasha's hand and led her outside.

"I love you. You're incredible at your job. It's personal for you, isn't it?" Natasha only smiled.

"Yes, it is. Every case is to some extent. Watching a family lose everything... it has to be personal. It is for them. I put myself in their situation, and then think 'what would I want to happen?' I do have to remind myself, more often than I care to admit, that I do this for the victims and their families." Lee pulled her against him and kissed her for a long moment before opening the door for her.

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