Chapter 8 - Attempted

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Sunday passed in a blur, and Monday morning came too early. She lifted her head long enough to find the snooze button on her cell phone. A pair of lips pressing on the back of her shoulder made her wish she didn't have to get up. A hand came around and messaged her breast, making her want to jump the man instead of jumping in the shower. "MMM. I wish we had time this morning."

"Who says we don't?" He roller her over and kissed where his hands were, making her body go crazy. He certainly was an attentive man in the bed, and took his time making sure she was a ball of mush first.

"Ughh! Why do you have to make this so good..? I have a killer to catch. Oh, okay, we have a few minutes. You, dear, are too delicious for words." She was glad she set her alarm thirty minutes before she actually had to get up. He smiled at her and any resolve left in her melted with it.


Renee and Adam arrived at Mrs. Phillips house at seven a.m., per Joe's instruction. Terry had called everyone else about Natasha and Lee's sudden nuptials. To say the team was surprised was only a slight exaggeration. They all knew it wouldn't be long before he proposed, but the timing was a little unexpected.

The rest of the Team had their assignments and were already guarding the witnesses. They were escorting Mrs. Phillips, her boys, her in-laws, and her mother to the church. Renee loved assignments, especially now that they were few and far between. The guys didn't want the women in danger. The funny thing is, the women could hold their own against most perpetrators. All of the women, except Lola and Cammie, had prior military or law enforcement experience. Renee knew first hand how tough Amanda, Natasha, and Terry were. She was glad they were on her side.

Natasha, Terry and Lola were on this one. Amanda was very pregnant, and Cammie had a new baby. Company policy said that pregnant moms and moms with new babies stayed home for a year after the babies were born. It was hard to believe two years had passed already since her own assailant had tried to kidnap and rape her and kill Adam. The grace of God brought them through that difficulty. That situation had been what brought them together, and she wouldn't trade it for anything.

Adam was knocking on the front door. She hadn't told him she was pregnant again yet. She was waiting until the assignment was over. He'd make her go back home and she didn't like leaving him on long assignments. They only lived a short forty-five minute drive from Grubbstown. Her dilemma had started unfolding here.

Annalee answered, and Adam stayed outside while Renee went in. "Is there anything I can do for you?"

"No, sweetie, yer doin' plenny already. We've just gotta get ready ta go. Thank yew fer offerin' yer help, tho. Yer a rill sweetheart. Please have a seat." She brought coffee for both, then disappeared to get ready. Renee took Adam the mug and sat on the front steps with him.

"So, how far along are you?" Renee stared at her husband in disbelief.

"Um, how did..?"

"Baby, if anybody knows ya, it's me. You've been way more tired. And, you're not eating like you normally do."

"Adam, the only reason I didn't tell you was because I wanted to be on this assignment. I'm not overbalanced with the belly yet, and I'm perfectly capable of doing my job."

"Well, then you can stay, but I don't want either one of you in danger." He placed his hand on her stomach and kissed her. "Now, let's get these folks to the church." She nodded and went in to check on the family.


After breakfast, while Natasha showered, Leroy went out to do his typical safety check on the car. Too many years on Active Duty, and being in a private security position, he didn't go anywhere without doing a PMCS on his vehicle (a military term for checking to make sure everything was in working order). It had saved his life on an occasion or two, and several of his protectees. He popped the hood open and his blood ran cold.

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