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Okay, who is the one performing? BTS or the crowd? The cameraman had one job to do and he did a horrible job. Like 80% of the performance was focused on the crowd. I'm trying to watch them perform but no, they just had to record the fans most of the time. But hey, at least he got a good view of Jungkooks abs😏

Also congratulations to BTS for winning!! I am so proud of them. I honestly saw it coming but I still felt so happy and proud.

"I also love photography and dancing. They are my main hobbies," she said placing her empty plate into the sink as he did the same.

"Your hobbies are similar to mines—no, actually they are my hobbies, except that I have a couple more," he said.

"Oh, than what are they?"

"That doesn't concern you," he said watching her wash the dishes. She stopped and looked at him.

"I was just asking you living booger," she snickered. Then she grabbed the towel hanging next to her and threw it at his chest. "Dry them when I hand it to you," she ordered.

"Yes ma'am," he saluted to her and that caused her to break out a small laugh.

She handed him one of the plates and he dried them. They continued to do that until the last dish was dried. When Jungkook placed the plate down, Eunji took the chance to fill her hands up with water and splash it on his face.

He gasped and looked at her with wide eyes. His hair was damped while water was slowly dripping down his neck and onto his shirt. (A/N: Jungshook was activated) she laughed so hard at his face and clapped her hands proudly.

Not long after that, his mouth soon curved into a smirk. She stopped laughing as she realized he was smirking at her while tapping her shoulder with his pointing finger. She pushed his hand off and backed away.

"Why are you smirking?" She asked.

"Me? Oh no reason," he said still smirking at her. He then took a step forward as she took a step back.

"Nu-uh. Back off"

"No thank you, princess," he said holding back his smile when her face changed immediately. She looked so shocked and you can see a hint of a pink shade on her cheeks.

"Don't call me that—"

"Why not?" He took another step forward. "You better run before I catch you."

She quickly dashed out of the kitchen with Jungkook tailing behind her. They ran around the house with Jungkook chasing after Eunji for a straight 7 minutes. She stopped in her tracks, exhausted, and plopped her body onto the couch in the living room. She was panting and so was he. He sat right next to her laying figure and flicked her forehead.

"Ow! What was that for!?" She said rubbing her forehead with her hands.

"That's what you get for messing with Jeon Jungkook," he said smiling cutely at her.

"Yeah, yeah," she said before sitting up and grabbing her phone, checking the time.


Her eyes widen.

"Jungkook look at the time. It's already late," she said showing her phone to him.

"Wow, already?" He sighed before getting up from the couch. She followed his moves and they both walked to the front door.

"Thanks for letting me come over, Eunji-ah," he said slipping on his shoes. She hummed in response.

"I kinda don't want him to leave yet. He keeps me company and he's fun" Eunji thought.

He opened the door and looked back at her with a smile. She smiled back and said "you should hurry up and go because it's night."

"Is Kim Eunji caring about my safety?" He teased.

"No I'm not. I just don't want to get blamed if you get murdered since I'm the last person you hung out with," she said.

He placed his hand on his heart, acting like he got shot.

"Why are so mean for?" He pouted. She shrugged and pushed him out the door.

"It was fun having you over, Jeon," she admitted. His smile grew even wider hearing those words come out of her mouth.

"Well you are a cool person to hand out with. I hope to come back," he said.

"Uhm. Maybe later on in the future when we really get to know each other."

"Okay, I'll get going now. Bye Eunji," he waved at her before turning around and walking away. She watched his body disappear before closing the door with a sigh.

"Gosh, now I feel like I need him to come back. I'm going crazy because of that boy."
If you guys haven't yet, please go and check out my short story "If Only". It's my first ever short story and it's a bit sad. I put in some photos and songs to help get you emotional. Hopefully that'll help though. And please do tell me what you think about it! I really want to here your thoughts!

Also, was this chapter good enough?

If not, I will try better next time.

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