Twenty Two

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*Present Day*
*Eunji POV*

"Hello?" I placed the phone to my ear, sitting myself on the edge of my bed.


"Hm?" I hummed to my mom who was on the phone.

"We are leaving to the airport in 10 minutes. I know you said to call before I leave Korea but I just wanted to ask if you could send us off. I want to see you for the last time in a good memory because I'll be gone for a year of so with your father.." she spoke. I scratched the back of my neck at the memory of the last time I saw them in the restaurant. It wasn't how I wanted to see them for the last time either. I don't want to end it off in a bad way.

"Sure. I'll go and send you both off. When is you're flight?"

"7:30 is when our plane will leave."

"7:30? It's 6:28 right now..I'll leave soon. I will be there before 7:10 because of traffic. Is that good or should I leave sooner?" I asked. I was planning on leaving in 10 minutes so I could change and fix myself up. If I leave in 10 minutes which will be around 6:40, and the traffic is about 25 minutes, I should arrive at the airport at 7:05. That should be enough time for me to talk to my parents before they leave.

"Yes, that's alright. I'll see you soon then," she said.

"Okay, I'll hang up now," I heard her agree before I hung up the phone. I plugged my charger into my phone before standing up and walking over to my closet. I pulled out a new pair of clothes and changed into it before walking into the bathroom to brush my teeth. I quickly finished and speed walked towards my phone before grabbing it and my bag. I checked the time and I spent around 7 minutes getting ready. I ran to my shoes and slipped them on before running out the house and into my car.

After parking my car, I walked into the slightly busy airport looking for my parents. I walked further into the place before spotting them sitting down on the chairs. My mom was looking out at the sky, probably thinking about something, while my dad was playing on his phone.

I smiled as I immediately walked to them. My mom noticed my presence and stood on her feet before pulling me into her arms.

"I don't want to leave you here," she whispered. I placed my arms around her body and let my head rest on her shoulder. Being in my moms arms makes me feel so secure and comfortable. I really don't want her or my dad to leave. I'll miss them for sure. They both were my best friends and my parents. My mom would always tease and play around with me but she would also give me a shoulder to lean on when I needed one. Cook when I would come home from school and listen to my problems as well as giving me advice. She was my best friend but also my caring mom who I need in my life. For my dad, he was the same. Always competing with me in games, being goofy when I was feeling down, and telling me lame yet funny jokes. But he was also playing an important role in my life. Taking care of me when I was sad, leaving his work early if he knew I was sick, and talking to me when I needed him. I am grateful to have them in my life. I don't know what I would do without. Now, I have to learn to grow up and live by my own. I'm an adult. I shouldn't have to always need them. They will come back soon after their business trip. So I shouldn't worry too much.

"I don't want you to leave either," I whispered back before letting go and went over to my dad who was looking at us from his seat. He stood and opens his arms wide for me to jump in. I giggled and ran into his arms.

"Ah, you still are my baby," he chuckled before patting my head.

"I'm not. I'm a grown adult now," I whined letting go of the hug.

"No, your still a baby in my eyes," he smiled which made his eye smile visible.

"Okay fine," I said. We all sat down and started to talk about our future and some random things. Time flew by fast because the next thing we heard was "Flight to Los Angeles California is now departing. Please come to gate 7"

I frowned and looked at my parents who were also sad. I got up and went to the gate where they have to go in. They followed from behind as they stopped right next to me. My dad gave me one last hug before he kissed my head. My mom also gave me a hug before she kissed my forehead.

"I'll miss you," I said trying my best to no sound emotional.

"We will too honey," my dad did before looking at the worker who asked for their tickets. They checked the tickets before my parents looked at me in the eyes that was full of sorrow.

"I love you," my mom and dad said. I softly smiled.

"Love you too," I waved them off as they walked into the plane with one last look. I walked over to the giant glass window before looking at the plane my parents walked into.

Soon after that, I saw the plane taking off. I watched it go up into the sky before flying off.

I sighed and walked back to my car. I drove to my house and changed into my pajamas. As I was changing, my phone went off. I quickly put on my shirt before walking to my desk that my phone was on. I checked it and there was a message from Jungkook. I got into bed and opened his text.

Randomtoe: Are you sleeping?

Me: No, not yet

Randomtoe: Well you should sleep soon. It's getting late

Me: I know. I'm in bed already

Randomtoe: That's good

Randomtoe: Dream of me

Me: Dream of you? If I had you in my dreams wouldn't it become a nightmare?

Randomtoe: That hurts

Me: Haha sorry

Randomtoe: It's fine. You'll be in my dreams anyways

Me: Are you high?

Randomtoe: no

Me: Drunk?

Randomtoe: Nope

Me: Okay then.

Randomtoe: 😊

Me: How have you been?

Randomtoe: Oooh are you worrying about me?

Randomtoe: I'm happy knowing you care

Me: Should I be happy that you're happy?

Randomtoe: Yes

Me: I'm not

Randomtoe: Ouch

Me: Take the burn honey

Randomtoe: I will put ice on it

Me: Good choice

Me: Alright, I'm gonna rest now

Randomtoe: Okay. Sleep well

Me: You too


(A/N) Happy that I finally updated? Hope it was good enough.

If there are any mistakes, I am sorry. I will be more careful next time.

Also, should I do a little Q&A at the end of some chapters? Like where you can ask the characters and me questions and I will answer you as them? For example, if you ask Yoongi something, I will answer you but in his character and personality. Sound good?

"Sorry Wrong Number" (jjk) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now