Twenty One

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                            *Five years ago*
                            *Jungkook POV*

                    (Please play music above)

"So there is a good and bad news..which one would you like to here first?"

Eunji parents looked at each other before Mr.Kim sighed and said "bad"

The doctor nodded and spoke.

"Fortunately, we were able to save her. You guys are very lucky she survived. Many people who got hit by a car and bled from their head has died. Your daughter is a fighter and that's good," he gave each of us a soft smile before continuing, "But, there were some problems with her when we were doing surgery on her. She stopped breathing once but we were able to bring her back. And, there was blood leaking out of her head which affected her brain," he looked at her parents who were having a hard time breathing after what came out of his mouth. It was painful and too much to handle. Imagine having your daughter go through this, it's tough.

Tears stung my eyes but I held it in. I can't cry, I have to be strong like Eunji. She wouldn't like to see me cry, right? I looked around to blink my tears away before making eye contact with the doctor who looked at us in pity.

"She is now in coma. The blood went into the wrong spot and it affected her badly which caused some difficulties during surgery. Right now she is stable, but only for the mean time. We don't have the right machines in this hospital or in Korea at all. If you want her to live, that is if she doesn't wake up while she's here, then I do recommend you to bring her to America. I know some hospitals in California that have the right machines and will help her recover faster," he explained.

My heart broke. My tears fell down my pale cheeks as my legs fell weak. Why can't we be like normal couples? Happy and healthy. Is it too much for me to ask? What did I do to deserve this? Right when we started dating, this had to happen? I held in my feelings towards her for years and once I confess, she has to move away? Why? Why can't we be happy together? Why did this happen to her? Am I not the right guy for her? Is this Gods way of telling me to leave her? Is...this the end of us?

I swallowed the lump in my throat and wiped my tears.

"D-Does she have to leave Korea? Can't you guys just buy the machines?" I asked with a shaky voice.

"I'm sorry but we can't do that. Those machines are illegal here. If you guys want to see her, she is in room 106. And please press the red button that's next to the bed if anything happens. Once again, I am sorry," he walked away leaving us in tears.

I looked over to Mr. and Mrs. Kim who were crying. Mrs.Kim was on her knees sobbing her eyes out, holding her chest as if it was are for her to breathe. Mr.Kim was still standing looking at his wife with tears slowly escaping his eyes.

"I-I'm sorry," I hiccuped. "I caused this.." I whispered. I am at fault. Only if I didn't meet her..only if I never got close. Why did I? Why did I grow feelings for her in the first place? All I did was hurt her... I hurt everyone I get close to..

"Jungkook, stop. It's not your fault, okay? Please don't blame yourself. Let's go and see her now. How about that?" He helped his wife up and smiled at me.

Please don't smile if you can't. Faking it makes me feel worse.

I nodded and slowly followed after them. Once we arrived, he opened the door quietly. There she was, laying on the bed peacefully sleeping with bandages wrapped around her head and stomach. Bruises visible on her arms and face. I weakly smiled knowing she's still here with us.

I sat next to her bed while her parents sat on the other side of the bed. I held her fragile hand in mines, rubbing the back of it with my thumb.

"Eunji-ah, can you hear me?" I forced out a small smile. "If you can, I am sorry. I'm sorry for letting this happen.. I hope you would forgive me. Not now, but when you are ready. I will wait," I bit my bottom lip stopping myself from crying again. Just the thought of her moving away really does. It feels like my heart was ripped in half. It aches so much. Seeing her like this already pained me enough, but her leaving me made me go crazy. I want to go with her but I can't. My parents wouldn't allow me. I know no matter how much I would beg or cry, they wouldn't allow me to move to another country with Eunji.

"Jungkook.." Mrs.Kim started making me look up to her, not letting go of my girlfriends hand, "I hope you understand that we have to take her to America," she locked eyes with me.

"Y-Yeah..I know.." I held Eunjis hand more tighter, not wanting to let her go.

Her dad walked out as the doctor called for him. I stood up and sat next to Mrs. Kim. I patted her back and softly smiled.

"Eunji is a fighter. Look at her, she made it. She's strong just like you and your husband," I said.

She chuckled and I took my hands off her back to see her slightly smiling.

"See! You smiled! You should continue to smile, you look prettier like that," I pointed at her trying to lighten up the mood.

"Wah, my daughter is really lucky to have you. You know how to make people smile easily," she laughed.

I was about to reply when the door opened revealing Eunji's father. I got up and returned to my seat so Mr. Kim can sit next to his wife. He looked at his daughter and moved some hair stands out of her face before sighing.

"I'm sorry Jungkook..."

Sorry for this long awaited chapter. I start school tomorrow so I don't know how fast I'll be able to update

"Sorry Wrong Number" (jjk) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now