🥀|He Hurts Your Feelings|🥀

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Play the music in the media as you read .
I really am pissed off here. Bruno was supposed to come and have dinner tonight. But he's in the studio working.
I swear this man is a work-a-holic. I prepare dinner every single night I can't have my man sit down with me.
This is the man I would die for ,I can't afford to lose him. I decided to go ahead to pay a visit to the at home studio.
When I walk in I hear a lot of paper crumbling I also see this girl Jessica Caban. Don't even get me started over that loser.
She claims that she helps Bruno with music and such like that. We all know that she's a hoe. Every single time I see her she is giving me the evil eye.
I try to compose myself, but she makes me furious. On Lipstick Alley (a website) Bruno's fans always hate on her.
I then open the door. I said "hey Bruno,can I talk to you in private please.'' Sure babygirl".
Then Jessica turns her face into a sour expression to his nickname for me.We then exit out of the studio. "Yea". Bruno said.
"Listen I cooked dinner for you I thought maybe you and me could eat together". I stated. " Y/N ,I can't I have to work."
"What you have to work with that trap of Jessica now do you".(Mind you I have a very short temper sometimes.)
"Listen Y/N, please do not call her that she doesn't deserve  that, he defended" ."YEA AND WHAT DO I DESERVE''. I shouted so loud. "AT THIS POINT NOTHING''. He shouted as well
"Fine since I don't deserve anything I'll just leave right now", I said as my voice cracked. As tears were forming in my hazel eyes ,I started to walk away from him.His face softened "baby,I...I'm sorry."he said. By then I was out the door in a swift motion. I'm so tired of this all this crap. I can't take it anymore. I get in my car to drive to the park it always calms me down .But then my sight gets blurry ,I start getting dizzy ,I lose control of the wheel.....

Well that wraps it up.

Much love and kisses 😘

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