🍯|Side-Chick |🍯

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Sorry,that I have not been updating. Its been a month since I've updated. I'm so sorry. School has been so much on me. I'm sorry. I'm trying to do better. Please understand.


_________Y/n's POV

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Y/n's POV.
It took a lot of guts for me to come here. It was not easy. It is hard when you're in an affair-especially if you love the person.
Me being his assistant does not make things any better. Hence that he's married to Jessica Caban. The marriage was and still is falling apart. Having a communication problem can be a bummer in a marriage.
But that we the reason why our affair started. Half of the time, Jessica is barely home-leaving him lonely and miserable.
Things started to escalate when I could feel myself falling for him. After a month or so of working for him, the affair started to fully blossom and unravel.
It just happened. We didn't think about the consequences of the action that we had made. I wanted him-and I guess that he wanted me.
Sometimes I wonder if he just sleeps with me to cope with what his going through with his marriage.
He confided in me that she promised him, children when they first got married. Which was six years ago. She didn't step up to her promise.
That's when he started to resent her. After a while then the communication problems clicked in.
I seriously wonder why they keep the marriage going. They have tried marriage counseling, marriage anything. Nothing worked.
The more his marriage hindered the more he turned to me- the more our affair became more and more tight knit.
I compromised myself that I would come to Bruno's house to end whatever that we have going on. It's personally taking a toll on me. It's heartbreaking for me to see the love of my life being taken by another woman.
To know that you maybe might never have them be completely, yours. It truly brings tears to my eyes just to think about it.
I got out of the house. It was a vicious thunderstorm. Pouring down rain. Electronic shocks of lightning.
The dangerous conditions of the disastrous weather only justified the reason for the importance of going to his house to end this.
I imagined what I was going to say to him, in order to make this go as smoothly as possible.
I don't want him to persuade me to change my mind. A power that Bruno has on me is that he can change my mind to what he wants it on. I've always been easy to persuade. It has always been my weakness. But not today - it's not.
As I drove over the highway: halfway to his house. I realized how I would miss his love. His warm kisses...his tight hugs....his embrace....his sweet intoxicating and addictive scent ..his caress..his soft skin on mine...his lips molded onto mine.
I stared into the driving wheel. I needed to collect my thoughts. I pulled over right on the front of the gates to his house.
'What am I going to him?...what if I miss up on something...why does this have to be so difficult.' I thought to myself.
Why does this have to be so difficult. But then I work for him. What if he tries to seduce me while I'm at work.
I face-palmed myself to calm myself down. I released my self from the embrace on my face. I looked out of the window. I played with my finger.
I sighed as I realized how could make myself go in the house to confront him. My heart sank as I slowly opened the door. I took a deep breath in and exhaled out.
I walked slowly and steadily. My breathing was slow but quiet.
I affirmed myself that I was strong enough to do this. I rung the doorbell,even though I had the key.
I heard shuffling like something was coming to the door. They opened the door. It was Bruno. He had a silk robe on that was loose. I could see his sooth caramel chest. His curly hair was in a little fro sitting perfectly on his head.
"Hey baby,come inside."He said interrupting my thoughts about him. He opened the door a little more for me to step in.
I walked in quickly. The house smelled like his perfume. Soft and delicate,but manly at the same time.
I sat on the couch and looked at Bruno. "Bruno I need to talk to you". "Well I need to talk to you." He leaned into and kissed my neck. I pushed him off of me. "Not like that,Bruno". He looked at me confused.
"I'm done with whatever we have going on". I said looking into o his eyes. "I can't go on like this"
"What do you mean Y/n". He is definitely not getting where I'm coming from. "This affair that we have formed is over. I can't do it anymore.You have a wife whether your happy without or with her."
"What's wrong with what we have." He stood up. I stood up with him. "Bruno do you realize that your with Jessica right now. Do you realize that I'm a side piece or a side chick. What we have is unreasonable and unrealistic. Listen,it's not good for or you, I should have ended this a long time ago".
"But I love you Y/n." His eyes fell dark. He face cringed as I knew that my words had sunken in.
"No you don't love me,you love her. You love Jessica." I said the tears were getting to fall. Why do I have to be emotional right now.
"I'll end it with Jessica, the marriage will be gone." He tried to compromise me. But all those promise of me believing were long gone. I can't fall for them now more.
"That's what you have been saying to me for the past 2 years. But not once did it happen. I'm tired of falling for the lies that you have promised me.
Because at the end of the day,we both know, if you would have to pick or choose,your choice would be Jessica."
"And that's why I'm leaving,I'm not working for you anymore,I already found another job." A tear came out as I was going to say the last part.
"You will never hear from me again or see me again. This will be the last time you will see me ever again. I hope you You will be able to work things out with Jessica.
"Y/n please don't leave me." A tear came down from his face.
That broke me into a million pieces.
"Goodbye Bruno." I said as I walked towards and stood on my tippy toes to kiss his forehead.
I walked to the door and closed it. I closed a love chapter that was in my life.
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Love ya

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