🔥|We Have To Try Again|🔥

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You and Bruno we're happily pregnant for 6 months. You were pregnant with a happy bouncing baby boy. Bruno was sky high excited about when you welcome this bundle of joy into the world.
You have been working on the nursery for the baby. The room's theme color is blue and green with pirates.
Me being the decorative one was understandable because his room is so cute. It is very unique in its own way.
I always wanted to have children. I always wanted to be a great mother to my children. Considering the fact that my childhood was basically taken away from me. When you're in foster care your life will never be the same.
Both Bruno and I have been taking parenting skill classes. Hence that we are first-time parents.
In 2 weeks we are going to have our baby shower. The reason behind why we are having it so early is because, in 2 months Bruno will be going on his 24k Magic tour.
We want him to be here at the actual baby shower. We agreed that when I get into the third trimester, that he would take a break, and come home.
I just need him to be here with me when I'm getting ready to give birth. That's all.
Recently, my sleep patterns have been all over the place. Which means that I'm quite hormonal.
But since Bruno is the always understanding person that I married he always is there to comfort me. Through thick and thin.
Bruno and I decided to go to the mall to shop for the baby's clothes. Since we really haven't started yet.
We were driving to the mall. I saw a McDonald's sign. I jumped for joy. "Bruno can we please go to McDonald's." I begged.
"But Y/n you just ate 2 hours ago". Bruno whines. "So what". I said annoyed and started elevating my voice a little.
"Alright." He said while sighing. "Whatcha want,baby girl." " I want a 10 piece chicken nuggets with sweet 'n' sour, then I want a medium sprite, and medium fries." I said innocently.
"Anything for you babygirl." He leaned in to kiss my forehead before he turned to order. He quickly ordered the food. "Thanks babe". I said. "No problem". He said while taking out his wallet to pay for everything.
We pulled up to the pickup window. They quickly gave us our food. Bruno parked so that I could eat.
I started to eat. "Bru Bru you want some." I offered. "I'll have some fries." He said reaching for them.
I shoved my face with the food. "I'm so glad that it's the weekend, work is is so stressful. I can barely breathe there." I said while drinking my sprite ,before giving it to Bruno. For him to take a sip.
My job is a director of record label that Bruno records under. It's so nerve wrecking. I tense up just thinking about it.
Part of the reasons why it's so stressful to me is because my boss is a utter asshole. She could go to hell; for all I care.
I know that she hates my guts. But I don't know why. For example she always gives me extra work,when I have extra work,I have to put in overtime.
I am so tired of working late. But don't misinterpret what I'm saying- I work my ass off.I always hustled so I can get my money. But can you give me a break?
"Babe I think you need a break". Bruno said while looking out of the window. I just shook my head while I ate my last nugget. I was finished.
"Ok let's go." I said. He drove to the mall. I got out of the car. Bruno waited for me to catch up to him at the hood of the car.
I quickly walked over to him-well wobbled like a penguin. We went up the escalator to the store Caters.
We walked to the boys section. "I like this shirt Y/n". Bruno said while picking up a shirt with ninjas on it.
"Yeah that's cute ,here put it in the basket." I agreed. We shopped for about 15 minutes until I froze.
A shooting pain in the bottom of my stomach. It stung like hell. My back cramped. My head started to spin. It spun until I saw black spots in my sight. I felt myself fall to the ground- lifeless.
The last thing I saw was Bruno's shoes trying to see what's wrong with me.
All I saw was darkness. Emptiness. I slowly opened my eyes. I was welcomed to a dimly lighted room.
I was in a hospital bed. I turned to my right I was hooked onto a machine that was giving me fluid. 
I sat up to see all of my surroundings. My head pounded. I felt as if I was about to die. I looked around to see if Bruno was here. I just saw his sunglasses on the table beside the bed.
I panicked. Where is Bruno? Did he leave? Why did I blackout in the mall? What if my baby is not okay? What happened to me?
Why did this happen to me. What did I do so wrong. I felt overwhelmed. I panicked. My chest began to tighten. My breathing hitched. I lied down for an attempt to calm down. I rested my head on the pillow.
I jumped when the door opened. I was relieved when I saw Bruno. But was quickly replaced with confusion.
He face was puffy because he had been crying so much. His eyes were bloodshot red. He was quivering. Trembling.
"Bruno what's wrong". I said. "It's gone....gone". He said breaking down into tears. He went to sit down on the recliner.
"What's gone". I asked already knowing the answer. My eyes immediately watered. "The baby is........gone." He said while he quivered.His tears ran so fast down his face.
I closed my eyes. As if I was trying to comprehend everything that just happened. But the problem was I couldn't. I wouldn't. "This is a dream. .thi-this is not real.
"This is a dream". I said looking at my hands while my tears.
I sobbed. Bruno came towards me to comfort me. I cried. He cried.
___________One Week Later___________
I looked around my hospital room while picking up my purse to go home. Bruno was waiting outside in the limousine. He has been very distant from me.
I just think he's trying to cope with everything that's going on. A tear escaped my eyes as I walked to the limo. I quickly wiped it away before Bruno could see it.
The whole car ride home no one talked. Simply silence. You could hear a pin drop. Minus the bumps of the rode.  We walked into the house. He immediately walked into our bedroom.
Walking into this house is so painful. The reason why is because - his room is here. The nursery. That only a reminder of what used to be here. What's not here now. I dreaded walking through that hallway.
On the left of our bedroom was the nursery. I walked into the bedroom. Tears and everything. I slowly twisted the doorknob. I found Bruno on the floor. Weeping. Sobbing quietly.
He must've have not heard me walk in. His head hung low. His tear puddled his shirt. He looked.....miserable. I slowly walked towards him. His left his head. I sat down beside him. I started crying from seeing him in the position.
"I'm so sorry,Y/n,I-I left you all alone in this". He said. His sobs became violent. As if he was mad at himself. "Bruno this your fault... it's not my fault either." I said hugging him. His head was on my chest. He was trying to hear my heartbeat.
We stayed like this for minutes. We both sobbed. We cried together. We hid nothing from each other. Bruno rose. "We just have to try again, and hope that it'll work out." I nodded my head.
________One Year Later_______
Me and Bruno have been blessed with twins. One girl: one boy. We kept the nursery theme for the boy. But ,we added a girly part to it.
Jeremiah is the boy twin. Jamila is the girl. They are officially 3 months old today. Their birthdays are June 16. Which is me and Bruno's anniversary.
Sure, it took a long time to recover from what happened with the last baby, but
We tried again.
I hope y'all enjoyed it. Thanks. Love ya.

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