Chapter Nine - Peace Offerings

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c h a p t e r n i n e

{Peace Offerings}


Skylar's POV

It's safe to say the hangover I wake up with is one of my worst. I haven't drank that excessively in a very long time. But what did I expect by drinking alcohol like it was water?

Although, the more concerning matter was when I opened my eyes this morning and found myself in Blake's living room. Nerves pierced through me like a cold bucket of water poured over my head. I had no clue how I had gotten there, and I still don't know.

I ran to Blake's bedroom, kissed him goodbye, and called an Uber home.

Now I'm lying in my bed in my underwear. My hair is still soaking wet from my shower, and my headache is prominent. I've been lifelessly watching reruns of America's Next Top Model, trying to remember what happened last night. I can picture everything until I got in Blake's car to go home. I vaguely remember him undressing me for bed, but the rest is blank.

Did I have a run-in with Jayden? I didn't see him anywhere in the apartment, albeit his bedroom door was closed. Groaning, I turn onto my side and close my eyes to force myself to sleep. I have work tomorrow and I need to be well-rested. 

When I walk into my office the following morning, there is a bouquet of white roses waiting for me with a note that reads;

"I hope you got a lot of rest and are feeling better. - B"

Instinctively, I lean closer, inhaling the fresh scent. A nostalgic feeling of spring overcomes me, but when I look outside I'm reminded that it's winter. Sighing, I tuck the attached note in my purse, reminding myself I need to call Blake later and thank him. I place them on the side table by the couch and get situated for a meeting.

When the meeting is over and I've completed a substantial amount of paperwork, I head to Mr. K's for coffee and a sandwich. Upon entering, I notice is my usual seat is occupied. I peer around the cafe in search of a place to sit and see a certain someone hiding in the corner, his face buried in his computer screen. My legs beeline toward him before my brain gives them permission.

I sit across from him. He peers up from his screen and rips his headphones from his ears. "Hey," He says, evidently shocked by my presence.

He rubs his chin, and it triggers a memory I didn't know I had. Suddenly, my mind takes me back to Blake's kitchen last night, where I was standing between Jayden's legs, touching his chin. I can feel his hands on me, but cannot comprehend any of the words he's saying.

"Earth to Killer? Hello?" He waves, snapping me out of my daze. I put a pretend smile on my face, apologize for zoning out and say hello. If I saw Jayden any other day, I would've run the other direction, but today he has answers I desperately need.

"Is this your break?" He asks. 

"Yep. I had meetings all morning. Now it's paper work time." I motion to my folder of papers. He laughs and does the same, but holding up his laptop. I ask if he minds that I work here, and he shakes his head, so I lay a couple of files out in front of me and materialize my favorite blue pen. 

The cafe chatter fills the silence between us, yet it still feels like we're the only people in the room. Although I'm staring at the document in front of me, I'm not reading it. I'm internally battling with myself whether to ask him about the other night.

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