Chapter Thirty Eight - Hard To Find

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c h a p t e r t h i r t y e i g h t

{Hard To Find}


Skylar's POV

I lean back in my desk chair, patiently waiting for my clients to speak. The September sunlight dances through my office windows, embellishing every speckle of dust in the air. Although my windows are closed, the noise outside is just as loud as if they were open. New York is as rambunctious as usual.

Most of my workdays I spend with kids. Occasionally, I have families reaching out to adopt, and today is one of those days. A young couple is perched across from me. The woman is trying to keep her tears at bay while her partner rubs her back.

"We would love to adopt her." The woman speaks.

"That's great to hear," I beam. My heart fills with warmth for this baby girl. "She has been in many foster homes. She is slightly aggressive from the trauma she experienced in the past. But I've spent a lot of time with her and she's an absolute joy to be around, she just needs some love. That being said, my colleagues and I will help all of you adjust. It will take time."

They look at each other for a fleeting second, then smile. "The work will be worth it."

I pass over the paperwork and we schedule another meeting. I show them out, but the woman stops me on the way.

Her green eyes bore into mine and she touches my forearm gently. "I might overstep here, but I just wanted to say thank you for everything you do. I was adopted, and I went through foster homes and never found a family. But if I would've had you as my social worker, I think things would've been different."

I'm slightly taken aback by her comment, but I smile warmly. Taking her hands in mine, I say, "From what I can see, you've turned out absolutely lovely. And now you can give opportunities you didn't get to this little girl."

She engulfs me in a hug before joining her husband in the lobby.

The minute I'm alone, I gather everything I need for the weekend and lock my office. On the walk home, I stop at Kenny's for an afternoon coffee.

"Hey Kid," He grins, his white beard rising with his lips. "How've you been? '

I hug him over the counter. "I've been good. How has the business been since the upgrade?"

"Boomin'" He points at me and I snort. Two weeks ago, Jayden and I helped Kenny rearrange the café. He had some extra spending money, so he bought new furniture and decor. The place looks cozier than ever.

"That's great to hear. Also, can you make another coffee to go?"

"Sure thing," He reaches for another cup. "Is it for Jayden?"

I nod and I can sense his excitement. "You both have a safe trip. Do you want any snacks for the ride?" I look at the fresh pastries and baked goods in the display case, then ask Kenny for two bagels. Before he gives me them on the house, I force a twenty-dollar bill into his hand.

"Thanks for everything, Kenny," I say taking the bagged treats and coffee. He wishes us luck and I continue home.

When I approach our apartment, Jayden is already packing our bags into the car. He doesn't see me at first, so I take the opportunity to stare. Although his movements are aggressive, I can tell they're from excitement because today's the day we meet Ellie.

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