Chapter Thirty - Let Down

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{Let Down}


Skylar's POV

Jayden reads me his revised statement as I lie tangled in bedsheets. He holds the paper in one hand, every once in awhile looking at it, but most of the statement he has memorized. This is his third time reading it, so I gaze at his boxers that hang dangerously low on his hips. It might be nine at night but neither of us wants to sleep; which isn't healthy after staying up so late last night. Since I'm slightly sleep deprived, my brain keeps conjuring up ways to ask about Olivia's letter. Although, I'm unsuccessful.

"Jayden," I set my laptop aside. "You know I have a character witness statement prepared if you need me to speak."

He sits at the end of the bed. "You do? When did you do that?"

"A while back. I don't know how much of a help I'd be, so I didn't think it was important."

With a hungry smile, he inches toward me until I'm forced flat on my back and he's hovering over. His hand reaches for the hem of my tee-shirt, I let him pull it off.

I'm lucky because his shirt's already off. So I drag my fingers up his rigid torso, digging my nails into his skin just enough for him to make a sound.

"Can I take these off too?" His fingers pull at the only piece of clothing I have left on, my panties.

I laugh. "Hands off, mister." I push him away. "We should be getting work done."

"It can wait, can't it?" His lips meet my neck and I groan softly. He knows that is my weakness. He isn't playing fair. I would let him continue his torturous descent down my body, but my mind is not in the right place.

"Jay... Jayden, I have a serious question."

He looks up with beady eyes. "Yes?"

I grab my tee-shirt and slide it back over my bare body. At that moment, he knows I'm not playing. He sits up and waits for me to speak.

I'm nervous, but I need to get this over with. Especially since it's not that big of a deal. "A while back, I'm not sure how long ago, you had a pile of mail sitting on your dresser. I accidentally stubbed my toe and knocked it all off, and saw you had a letter from Olivia..."

His eyes flicker with an emotion that was too fast for me to recognize. "I promise I didn't read it. That would be extremely invasive...."

"Is this your way of asking to read it?"

I'm shocked by his directness. "Yes and no, I know I'm being nosy—"

"Skylar you're not," he takes my hands. "I can tell you anything you want to know."

I rest against the headboard, trying to summon every question I have. Before I can ask, he is walking out of the bedroom. I stand and follow suit until we enter his office where he keeps his mail.

Leaning against the door frame, I watch him dig through a desk drawer before materializing a beat-up letter. "You can read it." In the blink of an eye, he places the letter in my hand, kisses my forehead, and closes the office door behind him, leaving me alone.

I run my fingers across her handwriting, slightly taken aback by everything that has transpired in the last five minutes. Even though this is what I wanted, I want to get it over with as quickly as I can. I perch myself on the sofa and pull out the letter.

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