Chapter Thirteen - Deals

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Jayden's POV

I knew Skylar didn't enjoy spending the night at my apartment, even when her and Blake were a thing. Well, come to think of it, I was the reason she didn't enjoy spending the night, but that's beside the point

I can only imagine how horribly wrong it would be if she spent the night now, with me. Yes, I'm thinking too far ahead, but after last night, I can't help it. I wasn't planning on taking her home after the bar, even though I wanted to. But I sure as hell would not leave her at her front door again.

Besides that, it's time to spend the money I've put away for house hunting.

As close as Blake and I are, I am ready to be on my own. I'm twenty-six and making good money, which I never spend.

"This is a two-story modern apartment with two bedrooms and two full baths. It has a beautiful view of the city. I will tell you upfront this place is expensive but worth it. It comes fully furnished with all the amenities you need." The realtor explains as we enter the apartment. I immediately notice the white interior with a red brick accent wall.

There are floor to ceiling windows with a perfect view that lets an immense amount of light in. I receive an entire tour of the place, staying quiet most of the time unless I have a question. When we're done, we meet in the living room.

"It's definitely bigger than what I need, but I like it."

"Well, it's a perfect size if you're the type that has guests over frequently." She's right. It's perfect if Addison and Jasper come to visit. There will be enough space for all of us. There are two days until Friday, which gives me enough time to move in.

"Where do I sign?" 

Skylar's POV

I stare at the wilted bouquet on my office coffee table. I should be home by now, but I stayed late to finish the work; my favorite way to spend a Friday. The sun has gone, replaced by dark skies, thanks to daylight savings. It feels much later than it is.

A knock at my door startles me, and I get up to check who it is.

"Hello, these are for you." A delivery man holds out a bouquet of red roses, and I can't explain the feeling that ripples through my body. I graciously take them and tell him to have a nice day.

When I close the door, I bring them to my nose and inhale deeply. My lips curl upward in pure bliss. I set the bouquet down on the coffee table, in place of the old flowers. I throw away the wilted bouquet but save one.

Sure enough, the name on the card is exactly who I thought it would be

"Figured your white roses are dead by now, I hope you like the red. We have a lot of colors left to get through. - B"

I run to my desk and grab my phone to send a message to Jayden when my phone rings. His contact illuminates my screen and I bite my lip to stifle a smile. I take a deep breath to collect myself and answer.


"Hey, Killer. Did you get your flowers yet?"

I lean against my desk, staring at the bright petals. "Yes. They're extremely ugly by the way, I'm very unhappy with them."

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