Chapter Ten - True Colors

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c h a p t e r t e n

{True Colors}


Skylar's POV

 I push Blake against my bedroom door. He cups my head as our lips move back and forth vigorously and then lifts me into his arms. I straddle his torso as he turns around so my back is against the door. He presses himself into me and I moan.

"Bed," I say, out of breath. "Now."

My shirt finds its way off, as does his. My free hand trails down his stomach toward his zipper. We stumble to my bed and I slip out of my pants. The minute both of us are undress, our lips find each other once more.

It's late, super late, and we have work tomorrow, but I needed this. I hadn't seen Blake since we went to the club (which was a couple days ago). We've both been too busy with work to get together.

I reach for my dresser and grab a condom. In no time, we get to it.

The sex is frantic and needy. We both get exceedingly lost in each other. By the time we're finished, I'm not sure how much time has passed. I'm lying on top of him. Our bodies are wet and sticky from sweat, but it's euphoric.

"That was nice." I giggle, overcome by adrenaline.

I drag my finger up and down his chest, watching it rise and fall as he breathes. He traces his thumb along the curve of my cheek; it causes me to look at him. I expect a smile but am met with a stoic expression. 

"Sky," He says in a serious tone. "Why didn't you tell me about Jayden?"

I stiffen and all my senses seem to go into overdrive. My eyes fixate on my wall, not knowing what to say. Jayden seriously told Blake about us. You've got to be kidding me.

"What about Jayden?"

He leans against my headboard, away from me. "That you guys met months before we met. That you two went home together and then had dinner at your sister, whom I have yet to meet."

I pinch the bridge of my nose, not wanting to explain myself, even though I should. "Okay yes, I knew Jayden before you, and just to clarify, we did nothing except kiss that night. He stood me up and left me at my apartment door."

Blake scoffs and it feels completely belittling, so I angrily say, "I didn't know he was friends with my brother-in-law until that night. And the real cherry on the top was the fact that you guys are roommates. How could I have known that? "

Blake rubs his forehead. I can sense the anger radiating from him. "I just don't understand why you didn't tell me."

"I didn't think it was important. All it would do was make things awkward between all of us." 

"You're right. It definitely has." He stands and begins dressing. I pull the sheets tighter around my naked body while frantically searching for my clothes. My heart is pounding like I've been caught with my hand in the cookie jar. "You're leaving?" I can't keep the shock out of my voice.

He stops buttoning his shirt, looks at me disappointedly, and lets out an exasperated sigh. It's a triple threat and I know his next sentence can't be good. "Skylar I can't do this anymore."


"You, this, us." He motions between us. "I like you, I could honestly say I love you. You're an amazing, fun, smart, caring woman but we want different things in life and I can't wait around for you. So if you want more, say it now."

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