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I hear the buzzing before actually registering it. The fence was on. Katniss stiffened beside me.


"I hear it Catnip. C'mon, we'd better wait it out." We headed back into the woods just as the rain started. Fat, wet drops matted my hair and blurred my vision. Katniss grabbed my hand and dragged me through the woods. She skids to a stop at our rock meets my eyes.

"C'mon," She pulls me into the roots of a large tree beside the rock. It's sheltered enough but there's barely enough space for me, nevermind Katniss. I crawl into the space and fold her small form against my chest, between my raised knees.

"Catnip..." I whisper into her hair. We share a shiver. I pull her closer to my body. She radiates a unique heat. Maybe that's just my heart talking but......


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