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I'm on the train now, running only on adrenaline and anxiety. Little Rue propped up on my lap fascinates herself with the Mockingjay pin that has remained clasped to my jacket since before the war. The landscape runs from forest green to city gray outside the window. I still get chills in urban areas... the forest is the only place that I would rather escape to than from.

"Mama?" Rue looks up at me. "Where's Daddy?" A knife of sympathy shoots through me. I hate that I'm shattering her whole world right now, because she's mine; But I can't live  in that house with a man who I never loved, living a lie and knowing that he can't love me. It was always Gale, I just wished I'd realized it sooner.

We're here.

A/N: Sorry I haven't been updating... I've just got a lot on my plate rn. Also sorry for the short chapter... and the Cliffhanger. Bye for now!

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