Rock Meet Bottom

380 23 4

(1 Week Later)


Screams had been coming from Max's training camp all morning and David had just about enough of it. He had let Max continue his little boot camp because it shut the fucker up for awhile, but the screams had been getting louder over the week and the people of Richmond were questioning David about them and everyone seemed to be on edge from them.


David and Clementine had been working together on the gate, killing walkers with their knives and making sure the gate had been in good condition. However, the screaming finally got to David as he screamed for Clementine. She came back from where she was pushing the walker off of one of the wood stakes in the front and stood in front of David in obedience.

"What's up, David?"

"The screaming. Go tell Max to quit whatever the hell he's doing to the person before I come over there myself. I'll finish up here and also make sure that the person is being fed, watered, and has some kind of bed, okay? And tell Max to meet me at my house."

Clementine nodded at David and began to make her way to the source of the screaming. She had heard the screaming ever since it had first began, but she decided to stay out of it because it wasn't any of her business. Well, until today that is. Clementine closed in on the backyard and the screams only got louder the closer she got, now knowing that the disgruntled sounds were coming from a male. Clementine opened the gate to the backyard and stepped through, looking around to see Max standing with a cattle prod over a beaten and bloody body.

"You got another smart ass comment kid?! Or are you going to do the training?!"

The battered body on the ground laughed humorously and waved his burned arm at Max.

"I feel like this is turning into a bad remake of Deliverance. Do you hear the banjos, you country fuck?"

Max gave an outraged yell and shocked the boy again, causing him to scream out in pain. Clementine finally thought it was time to step in as Max went to shock the boy again, but she yelled at him.

"MAX! That's fucking enough! His screams have been heard by every goddamn person in Richmond and David wants you to meet him at his house immediately!"

Max wiped the sweat from his brow and turned to Clementine to give her a look that caused her to narrow her eyes at him. Max stepped forward to Clementine and her hand went straight for her gun, aiming it at Max's head within a blink of an eye. He only laughed sarcastically at the gun being pointed at him before shaking his head and stepping around her and exiting the backyard, leaving her with the barley moving body on the ground 3 feet away from her. Clementine holstered her gun and watched as the boy pushed himself off the ground to sit up and face her.

"Who are you? Are you supposed to be David's little "perfect soldier" that I keep hearing about? You don't look all that big and bad, bet you couldn't even scare a mouse."

Clementine felt like going to get the cattle prod from Max to shut the boy up, but decided to keep her cool and just ignore him. The boy took notice of her ignoring him and gave her a bloody smile.

"Ohhhhh, we got a little badass who thinks she's better than everyone else. You know what, I think you're David's little bitch who does all of his dirty work for him."

"Shut the fuck up or I'm going to knock the fuck outta you."

The boy laughed as he finally got a response out of the her and stood on shaky legs before limping closer to her.

"SHE SPEAKS! Well, little miss priss, I am The Gabriel Garcia and I'm annoying as fuck. Hence the reason I got all of these bruises and burns from my dear old friend Max."

Clementine rolled her eyes at Gabriel's obvious smart ass attitude and gave him a glare for him to shut up. Gabe simply waved off her glare and went to sit inside the shed, looking over his wounds and assessing the damage that Max had delivered to his body today. Clementine walked over and pulled a granola bar from her pocket, chucking it at Gabriel's head and nailing him in the temple. He swore loudly and chucked it right back at Clementine, hitting her in the forehead and leaving an angry red mark on it.

"You know what? Fuck you. I was trying to fucking give you some food at the request of David, but I could fucking care less if you eat or not."

"Do you even see what color the sky is or even what clothes you put on in the morning? Because it seems like your head is so far up this David's ass, you couldn't even tell if it was night or day."

When Clementine's fist collided with the side of Gabe's face, it made a hard thud sound and sent Gabe spiraling to the floor of his shed. Clementine was ready to turn and walk away from Gabe when he spit out blood in his mouth and began singing horribly off-pitched.

"Fuck you. Fuck you very, very much. 'Cause your words don't translate and it's getting quite late. So, please don't stay in touch."

Clementine was already starting to swing her fist at Gabe when she heard David's voice call out from behind her.

"Clementine! I told you to make sure the person was okay and healthy, not beat the shit out of them!"

David walked closer to them with Max right on his heels and he did not look too pleased with Clementine's actions. She was ready to start explaining her violence to the boy when she heard a small gasp come from David and watched his eyes widen as he took in the site of the battered and bloody boy.

"Gabe? Is that you buddy?"

Clementine moved out of David's way as he walked into the small shed and knelt before the boy, who was now staring wide eyed at David.


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