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The backyard training ground was silent as David looked down at his severely beaten son and said son stared up at him. Clementine and Max were standing on the sidelines watching the scene fold out with widened eyes, Max's even more so because he began realizing two things. One was that he had been torturing the boss's son and two was that he had killed the boss's daughter.

David was the first to move as he knelt down by Gabe and hugged him to his chest. Gabe, after the shock of being hugged by his usually stoic father, returned the hug before snapping back to reality and shoved David off of him.


Gabe shouted at David and gave him a death glare as he moved closer to Gabe once more.

"You stay the fuck away from me, David! You left me and Mariana with Kate and didn't look back once as you left! And now you hold us hostage in your fucking community and expect me to act like nothing ever happened? Well, go fuck yourself!"


David's hand harshly made contact with Gabe's cheek and David grabbed Gabe's chin, making him look at his face.

"I may have left you and your sister with Kate, but I'm still your dad and you will not talk to me like that. Now, where's your sister?"

Gabe shook himself out of David's grasp and looked behind David to Max, who began to silently sneak off without anyone noticing.

"Why don't you ask your friend Max? I'm sure he'd love to tell you what happened to my sister, seeing as he's the reason she's now dead."

David's head snapped towards Max as he realized that the jig was up and he needed to get out of there. Max tried running away from them and to his truck, but a gunshot rang out as he collapsed to the ground and held his now bloody kneecap.


Clementine holstered her gun and flipped Max off as David slowly walked over to Max. David didn't say a word as he grabbed some rope out of Max's truck and wound it around Max's head. David tied the other end to Max's hitch on his truck before getting into the truck and starting it up. Max began struggling with the rope that was tightly wound around his neck and shouted out at David as the truck began to move.


By now the people of Richmond had stopped whatever they was doing to watch as one of their leaders, David Garcia, dragged Max through the streets by his own truck. Some watched in horror from the way David kept driving, even as Max swore loudly from the way his bloody kneecap was being raked along the rough pavement. However, no one made a move to stop David because Max was a lowlife that everyone hated. David motioned for the gate to be opened as he drove out of Richmond and away from the citizens before getting out of the truck and kneeling beside Max.

"What did you do to my daughter?"

Max, realizing that he wasn't going to get out of this situation, laughed in David's face and gave him a sickening grin.

"She was a bit young for me, otherwise I would've had some fun with her. Your boy decided to mouth off to me and I drove my knife right into her pretty little throat. Ha! You should've seen the look on the boys face as she turned and tried attacking him! Poor little Mariana."

David showed no emotion from Max's description of Mariana's death, instead he calmly searched Max's body for his knife and pulled it out. He looked at the dried blood on it and swallowed down the vomit that was threatening to come up his throat. David looked once again at Max before taking his legs into his grasp and ripping off his boots, ignoring Max's protests and holding him down as he started thrashing about. David cut out Max's Achilles heels on both of his feet, blood splattering on the hard pavement and Max's screams becoming louder, drawing the attention of some nearby walkers. David stood and threw the knife in the back of the truck before looking down at the piece of shit that killed his daughter.

"I'd advise you to use that knife on the muertos before they rip your fucking body apart."


David ignored Max's screams and started the truck once more before driving down the road, that was now becoming crowded with muertos because of Max's yelling. Max tried standing up and jumping in the back of the truck, but found that he couldn't even stand because of David cutting his heels. David watched in the rear view mirror as Max attempted to fight off the muertos and failed as one bit into the side of his face. He pressed on the accelerator a bit so that Max would still live a little longer during the drive and feel everything.


David slowed the truck again and watched as muertos swarmed Max's body, his screams becoming quieter and his body becoming completely covered by the muertos. As the screaming finally stopped, David drove off and shook off the rest of the muertos on Max's body. He finally stopped the truck as he lost the last of the muertos and walked back to look at what was once Max's body, but now it was a corpse that was picked to the bone with guts being dragged along with it. David cut off the rope that held the body and drove back to Richmond, tears streaming down his face as he remembered his sweet little Mariana.

"Descansa en paz cariño. Que volveremos encontrarnos."

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