Fucked Up Family

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David drove back to Richmond in Max's truck, in hopes of starting things over with Gabe and going to see where the others were, but as he was exiting the truck and on his way back to Gabe he was stopped in his tracks by Joan and Clint. And they did not look happy.

"I know. I shouldn't have made a scene with Max, but there was reason for me doing that. I just found out that he's been torturing my son and holding my family hostage here without my knowledge. That son of a bitch killed my daughter and made my son kill her when she turned. Now, I need to go see my family."

Joan and Clint didn't get a word in as David pushed passed them and proceeded on his trek to Gabe. He paused when he heard Gabe and Clementine talking to each other, well Gabe talking and Clementine answering with grunts.

"So, you have a kid? That's pretty....nice?"


"Hey, Clementine."

Sigh. "What do you want?"



There was an uproar of laughter from Gabe and David hurried his way back to the yard because he just knew Clementine was about to come undone. David was right on the money and walked backed to see Clementine trying to strangle a giggling Gabe.

"Clementine, get off of Gabe. Gabe, we need to talk."

Clementine gave Gabe one last glare before leaving the father and son by themselves. Gabe sobered up from his laughing fit and stared at David as he took a seat in front of him.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for leaving you and Mariana. I'm sorry for Max torturing you in my own community. I'm sorry that you had to be the one who killed your sister. I'm so sorry, Gabe."

Gabe watched as the older man struggled with apologizing and looked away as he looked expectantly at Gabe, wanting Gabe to forgive him. Gabe crosses his arms over his chest and gave David a side glare.

"Kate and Javi are in some basement together. I haven't heard anything about them in awhile and don't really care if they're dead or alive."

Gabe stood from where he was sitting on the ground and went back inside his shed, not sparing his father another glance. David straightened when Gabe left him sitting there and berated himself for thinking Gabe would forgive him that easily. But, David did brighten a bit when he heard that his brother and wife were also here in Richmond and he knew just what basement they were in, considering there was only one that Max had access to.

With Kate and Javi

"I should've never said that to Gabe."

Javi sat on the basement floor and looked solemnly at a random piece of dirt on the floor a couple feet away from him. He felt a hand on his shoulder and looked up to see Kate giving him a small smile. She sat down next to him and took his somber face in her hands.

"You didn't mean what you said Javi, you are just still upset because of Mariana's death. Gabe knows deep down that you didn't mean it, but he is still probably messed up because he's the one who had to actually kill her. That was his sister, Javi. Mariana was his best friend and he had to put a bullet in her. We just have to give him space when we get out of here, okay?"

Javi nodded and leaned in closer to Kate when the basement door slammed open, revealing his presumably dead brother. David smiled widely at seeing his brother and wife still alive and rushed forward to Kate, giving her a big kiss on the lips. Javi stared wide eyed at the scene and could feel his heart dropping to his stomach.


At Javi's shout, Kate shoved David off of her in anger and slapped him across his face. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand as David was still reeling from the hit.

"What the fuck, David?! You think you get to kiss me after you abandoned us and left us for dead?!"

David rubbed his face and set his jaw before shaking his head.

"I'm sorry, I just got so excited when I seen you guys. I couldn't help it, Kate."

Javi stood up and walked hesitantly towards David, who now had his eyes set on his brother. David enveloped his brother in a strong hug and slapped Javi's back.

"Thank you, brother. You took care of my family when I left them and I will forever be in your debt because of it."

Javi returned the hug after a moments hesitation and clutched David tighter because, even though David was a complete dick head, he was still Javi's brother and he loved him. Javi released David from his hold to lean back and give David a mournful look.

"David, they..killed Mariana. I didn't do anything to stop it and just watched as Gabe tried to save her, but the man just stabbed her. Another guy, Lonnie I think his name was, knocked me and Kate out with his bat. Wait! Where's Gabe?"

Javi frantically tried moving past David to the open door before he grabbed Javi's arm to stop him.

"Javi! Calm down, I know about Mariana and I took care of Max. Gabe is safe and just needs some space. Now, we can both go take care of Lonnie since this is the first I'm hearing about him being involved. Javi, you can stay with Kate and I after we finish up with Lonnie until we can find you your own place here in Richmond."

Kate paled considerably at David's words and gave Javi a desperate glance before looking down at the wedding ring still on her finger. She began to fiddle with it when a hand softly took hers. Kate looked up to see David giving her a remorseful smile.

"I have no excuse for leaving you with the kids and I regretted that decision every single day that I woke up. I only hope that I can redeem myself to you, Javi, and especially Gabe."

Javi watched the two exchange looks and he felt his heart dropping once more and began to grow sick. He had grown to love Kate from all the time they had spent together over the years and thought Kate had felt the same, but looking at her now, Javi knew that she still had feelings for David. Kate nodded her head at David and embraced him, looking over his shoulder Kate seen Javi looking dejectedly at the floor and felt turmoil within herself because she began to start really liking Javi but she still had some hidden feelings for David.

"Alright, let's go get Kate settled into my house and then we can go take care of Lonnie."

David lead them outside the basement and lead them towards his house. However, as he was rounding the corner around the basement, a baseball bat came out of nowhere and knocked David to the ground unconscious. Javi and Kate screamed out to David as a short Asian-American lady with a big grey streak in her hair stepped into view with a taller Caucasian male with a hat and goatee. Javi and Kate try to make a break for it, but Lonnie steps into view with his bat and proceeds to knock them both out as well. The Asian-American lady nudges the non moving bodies with her feet and motions for the guys to pick them up.

"Clint, get Badger to help Lonnie and get these three to the town square. It's time David learns that his actions have consequences."

The man in the hat, Clint, sighs but does as the lady tells him to. He has Lonnie call over Badger and they each take a body before hauling them to the group of people surrounding the gallows with three nooses hanging from the top.

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