~My Characters~

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Name: Chrys Aether

Chumhandle: foxMagic

Age: 16

Gender: Genderflux masc.

Pronouns: He/him

Sexuality: Aromantic asexual gay

Personality: Chrys will generally take a serious front, acting incredibly formal to those whom he is not well acquainted with. When getting closer to him, that formality will quickly break down and he'll be a lot more friendly. He doesn't always gets jokes and can be rather egocentric at times, but he still wants to see the best for others. Honestly, just think of the Hiveswap Aspect test- he fits into the Time description quite well, being a Time player and all. He's quick to anger and a lot of noises pester him. He can't stand the sound of clocks ticking.

Appearance: Chrys has pale blonde hair that falls awkwardly onto his face, obscuring the left half partially; one long strand of hair falls down the centre of his face, cutting off just a bit above his mouth. To the left of that strand, his hair cuts off just a bit above his eye. Generally, the longer strand of hair is pushed behind his ear, creating a sort of side-swept look. The rest of his hair is short, though there are a few longer strands on the right side of his face as well (for a simple way to imagine this: Google Antarcticite). Aside from that, his eyes are grey-blue in colour. Standing at five foot three, Chrys usually wears a black T-shirt with a pocket on the left side of it that has a UFO hovering above it. He wears black jean shorts that end just a bit above his knees and knee-high aromantic flag-themed socks. He wears black combat boots. 

Chrys' Dreamself outfit consists of the usual Derse pyjamas; they resemble Dirk's. His God Tiered outfit is a Time-styled Prince outfit. 

Typing Colour: Dark red

Typing Quirk: Chrys usually talks with perfect grammar and replaces I's with 1's and O's with 0's. [1'd talk l1ke th1s. G0tta have c00l b1nary talk, y0.]

Strife Specibus: Daggerkind (a small dragon-styled bronze blade) + Bladekind (katana) -> Bladekind (merged dagger with katana)

Sylladex/Fetch Modus Name+Description: The Fetch Modus is named Will. No specific ordering is taken to the cards, but in order to use an item, it must be willed to be used. Currently has 10 Captchalogue cards in the deck. 

Sprite Prototypes: Kernelsprite -> Dracosprite (merged with dragon plushie that he often slept with when he was younger) -> Fennsprite (merged with a fox carcass)

Moon: Derse

God Tier: Prince of Time

God Tier Abilities:

• Go back in time and destroy events from occurring

• Destroy the flow of time (ie, stop it)

• Destroy the entire concept of time

• Speed time up to the point where it leads to the decay of something (ex. send someone so fast through time they grow old and die)

Home City/State: Lives in a two-story house in Oregon, near Portland. It's semi-fancy and is located on the edge of the woods, overlooking them. 

SBURB Land+Description: Land of Clocks and Premonitions (LOCAP)

LOCAP is a Land that is flourishing with nature, though nothing too overwhelming. There are few thick forests, but there are mainly great expanses of plains and small hills, with few primitive villages scattered throughout. Every village contains an incredibly large clock tower that rises up around 15 stories and there are clocktowers scattered randomly throughout the Land itself. 

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