Chapter 24

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Last Updated. March 7, 2018

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"Good morning Archt. Alena. Please have a seat, I'll inform Sir Leonel that you've arrived."

"Thank you Richard." I reply as I take a seat on the waiting area couch. A month and a half has passed since Leo found out about the kids. We haven't told them yet that he was their father, but Leo has been wonderful nonetheless making sure to spend even a little time with them each week. In addition to regular dinners, Leo, the kids and I have gone to the cinema, the zoo, and amusement park together. Yes, that isn't enough as "father" standards go but to the kids only know him as my friend so I couldn't let them spend too much time together. In fact, my little bodyguard Lucca has already asked me once as to why Leo would routinely join us for dinner. 

Oh my Lucca. I sigh thinking about how protective he is.

As for things between Leo and I, we have not discussed anything after that night. We have been civil for the kids, one may even push it as friends but I am still a little wary of him. Thankfully, he hasn't brought up the past as well since that night. Perhaps because of how scared I reacted that night? I do not know but I am grateful. I am still not ready to discuss it.


Yes I know I am a coward, running away. But I just can't. Talking about the past would expose my deeply hidden away emotions and I just can't face yet.

Regardless, my mother instincts are telling me that now is the time. It is time to tell the kids.

I sigh again nervous about the outcome but my little angels need to know. But before that, I need to inform Leo. Also, we need to work out the finer details such as how and when to tell them.

"You can come inside now Architect. Though Sir Stan and the contractor hasn't arrived yet." Richard's voice suddenly penetrate my thoughts, startling me.

"Oh okay. Thank you Richard." I reply with the small smile.  I guess this means I can talk with him before the meeting.

"Hey Alena." Leo greets when I enter his office.

"Good morning Leo." I give him a small smile and take a seat on the small conference table Leo had in his office.

"Want some coffee?" Leo asks.

"No thank you. But I would like to discuss something if you don't mind." I reply.

Leo frowns as he stands by his desk and replies "Did something happen with the kids?"

"No no, nothing to be worried about. But I would like to talk with you while your seated if you don't mind." I say.

Leo chuckles then replies "Yes boss. As you wish." Ending with a wink.

Dear Lord, he looks wonderful.


"So what is it?" Leo asks as he seats himself at the head of the table.

"I've been thinking ..." I say.

"Thinking?" Leo prompts when I don't continue.

"I've been thinking ... maybe its time to tell the kids." 

And just like that, Leo's face brightens immediately. "When do you want to tell them?" He asks with restrained excitement.

"We could have dinner at hom—"

"Good morning handsome!" A high pitched voice, almost cat-like, bursts in.

I turn and am faced with Marina, one of Leo's college acquaintances, strut in with all the sex appeal in the world.

"Sir I am so sorry! I told her you are in a meeting bu—" Richard says as he rushes in but Marina interrupts him. "Oh it doesn't matter, I'm sure dear Athalena wouldn't mind." She says as she looks at me smugly. She suddenly comes down and plants a kiss on Leo's lips.

The urge to slap Marina in the face fills me but I restrain myself. Marina has been trying to take him from me from the time Leo and I started dating. But now, he isn't mine to claim. YES ALENA HE IS NOT YOURS REMEMBER THAT!

Leo,  snapping out of his shock, exclaims with unrestrained annoyance "What are you doing here Marina?"

"Just came to visit you love." She says with a wink.


"Alsoooo, I came to deliver this ..." Marina says, placing an brown envelope on the table "... and to follow-up on the last proposal I gave you." As she says this she bends down, blatantly showing Leo her cleavage and fixes his tie.

Knock. knock.

"Excuse me?" By the door stands Stan and another man who must be the contractor for the restaurant.

Leo stands then says "Stan, JB, come in. Richard, will you please see Marina out?"

"See you soon love." Marina says, placing her hand on his chest. She then turns towards the door, sending me a death stare in the process, before strutting out the office.

"We apologize for being late. There was an accident so the roads were even more traffic. Shall we begin Sir so that you won't miss your next appointment?" Stan says as he and the contractor hurriedly seats themselves.

Leo looks at me with a worried expression but quickly masks it with his business face. "Yes, let's begin."

The meeting goes on, but the irritation I feel does not dissipate. I refuse to acknowledge that this was because of jealousy. He is free to date anyone he pleases. But whenever I recall that she-devil's lips on Leo's or her hand on his chest, I have the great urge to strangle her.

With this internal battle, I have a hard time concentrating on the meeting which ends an hour later. 

"Thank you everyone. I expect the best from you." Leo says as he rises. We all rise, turning to leave when he says "Architect, may I speak with you privately?"

I pause, trying to hide push down my whirlwind of emotions. I notice Stan looking at me sympathetically, probably thinking that I did something wrong that warranted scolding, so I force a smile indicating I was okay.

As soon as the door is shut, Leo exclaims "There is nothing between Marina and —"

"LEO STOP!" At this Leo stiffens.

I exhale, doing my best to keep my emotions at bay. "Leo, like I said previously, I do not care who you date. You can date whoever. I can date whoever." Leo clenches his fists but I continue.

"As for telling the kids, lets have dinner at my house and we can tell them together after." I pause then give him a deathly glare.

"Leo let me repeat my warning, if any, ANY of your women hurt my angels. YOU WILL REGRET IT." Not waiting for his response, I take my leave.

" Not waiting for his response, I take my leave

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