Chapter 33

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A rather uneventful chapter. I hope you continue to bear with the slow updates. :(

Last Updated. October 2, 2019

Badly Not Edited.

Badly Not Edited

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What did I do in the past to have this much drama in my life?

I sigh for probably the millionth time since I took my seat at this table. I arrived a little early for Ryan and I's meet up, so I am left alone with a cup of coffee and my thoughts.

Remembering Leo and Ryan's encounter, I cannot help but wince. I cannot distinguish how I feel about it. Embarrassed? Definitely. Scared? Maybe. Guilty? Wait why would I feel guilty?

"A brownie for your thoughts?"

I turn to see a smiling Ryan with a cup of coffee on one hand, and a plate with a brownie on the other. I can't help but smile at how sunshine and rainbows his mood seems to be.

"Well someone woke up on the right side of bed today." I retort with a smile.

"But of course, I'm seated at sunny table with a beautiful lady." He replies with a wink as he takes his seat across from me.

I laugh at his poor attempt of flattery and say "Okay really, for what reason do you have this goofy smile on your face?"

Said goofy smile widens even more before he says "I got promoted."

"Congratulations Ryan!" I say, truly ecstatic for him.

"I'm awesome with my work, if I say so myself." Ryan responds with a shrug.

"Keep going in this route and you might have a brownie on your face." I reply playfully.

He raises his hands in mock surrender saying "I concede. Relax woman." After which, we share a hearty laugh.

"On a serious note, I though we could celebrate with the kids next Friday. Does the cinema then dinner sound good?" Ryan asks.

I've always found it adorable at how much of a family man Ryan is. He always makes sure that we bring the children whenever we go to night outs. "Sure, that would be great." I reply with a smile.

He nods while sipping his coffee. He then says "Not to pry but, shouldn't you ask, or at least inform, Leo about this?"

The sudden entry of Leo in the conversation sobers me down. "You're right. I guess I should inform him."

He reaches out to my hand resting on the table and firmly, yet strangely comforting, holds my hand. "What's wrong Alena? What's up with you and Leo?"

I look down and take a deep breath, thinking up a shallow answer to get the topic off my back. But when I look up, I see the care, comfort, and worry reflected in Ryan's eyes. And I just tell him. everything, the events of the past to my fears of today. Some tears escape, but I make sure to hold it in. Ryan, being the gentleman that he is, just patiently listens. He would squeeze my hand in support when the tears flow, refilling me with strength once again.

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