"I have a letter from Madame Athalena sir."
My secretary places an envelope on my desk. I stare at the envelope with my name. Pain. Anger. Disgust. I am flooded with mixed emotions that are hard to keep contained.
"I shall take my leave then sir."
Short chapter guys. I'm sorry, life's been a whirlwind; still need to catch up with work and family.
Last Updated. November 14, 2018
Not Edited.
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Beep. Beep. Beeeeeeeeeep.
Beep. Beep. Beeeeeeeeeep.
Beep. Beep. Beeeeeeeeeep.
Beep. Beep. Beeee-BANG.
"Arghhhhhhhhhh." I groan after turning of the alarm clock in by bedside table.
My body feels heavy from all the tension of last night. I sigh deeply as I recall last night.
The kids were being extra protective making sure I was seated as far away from Leo as possible; plus there was that interrogation. That was the first time ever that the kids were interested in any of my friends. Furthermore, it was unnerving seeing Leo so out of himself. He looked tense, uncomfortable, out of place. That was the second time I heard Leo talk so nervously. The first time when he proposed.
I shake my head, cutting that line of thought. Don't go there Alena.
But wasn't this what you've always wondered? How it would look like being a family, with Leo at the head of the table?
I let out a very long sigh. I feel like I've lost 10 years of my life.I close my eyes, planning to escape to dreamland for a few more minutes.
Gahhhhhhhhhh. I mentally groan. Leave me be.
Ping. Ping.
Ignore it Alena. Ignore.
Ring. Ringggggggg. Ring. Ringggggggg.
Seriously? When can I get a break?
"Yes?" I answer my phone irritated.
"Good morning Alena." I hear Leo's voice from the other line.
"Leo?" I say confused. I look at my phone screen to be sure. Yep, definitely Leo. "What do you want? Why do you have to call so early?"
"Woah, Alena. I forgot how cranky you get in the mornings." Leo says jokingly.
"Leo ... what do you-" "Yes beautiful I'm sorry for calling so early. I just want to ask if we could .. you know .. hang out? You and the kids of course not just the both of us." Leo interrupts.
My sleepy brain immediately awakes upon processing what Leo said. All of us going out together? Like a family?
"... please?" Leo continues seemingly nervous by my silence.
Wait Leo is nervous? Is this real?
"Alena? Are you still there?" I hear Leo ask.
"Ah yes Leo I'm here." I reply. I take a deep breath before continuing, "That sounds wonderful for the kids Leo but we've got plans for today. We are going to the park."
"Oh I see." Leo says with disappointment.
There is then a moment of silence, almost as if Leo is hoping I would invite him.
"Maybe we can go to the cinema next Saturday? There is a movie the kids want to see." I say changing the subject.
"Okay that would be great. I'll mark it in my schedule." Leo replies enthusiastically
I smile as imagining the smile on his face. "Thank you Leo."
"For what?" Leo asks.
"For trying" I reply.
"No Alena, thank you. For giving me a chance with the kids despite the ... issues ... we have to straighten out between us." Leo says with gratitude.
I somber upon remembering the past. I shake my head trying to clear my thoughts. "That's between us Leo, nothing to do with the kids. We can tackle it another time." I reply.
"Okay..." Leo pauses for a few seconds before continuing. "...next week then. See you Alena."
"Yes. See you." I say quietly before hanging up the phone.
With the sleepiness driven away by Leo's call, I decide to sit up and start my day with first reading the texts I received. I open my messages to see that the texts came from Ryan.
RYAN:Good morning Alena! Looking forward to our picnic later. See you around 11?
RYAN: Btw Vicky wants be to go by some sweets, any requests?
RYAN: Donuts? Cupcakes? Ice cream? :)
I can not help but smile while reading the texts. Ryan is a very sweet man, befitting his boy-next-door vibe. I check the time to see that its 7:15AM. I let out a sigh. An early start for a Saturday. I quickly compose my reply so that I can proceed to my daily dose of hot milk. Yes, instead of coffee I prefer to have a cup of hot milk or chocolate in the mornings.
ALENA: Good morning Ryan. Sweets would be lovely. If its alright, the kids would live some donuts. I'll give my share of the payment later. See you at the park, 11am! :)
I press and proceed to make my bed. A few minutes later, Ryan replies.
RYAN: Sure, will get some donuts for the kids. My treat. But how bout you? What do you want? :)
I stare at his reply surprised. I certainly did not expect this reply. It takes me a minute to type a response.
ALENA: Hmmmmm. I don't know. But really, the donuts are enough. :)
RYAN: If you don't mind, I'm not taking no for an answer. ;)
I let out a giggle in response. Geez Alena, you sound like a pre-teen on her first boy encounter. I clear my throat then respond.
ALENA: Fine, some fudge brownies please?
RYAN: You got it! Again, my treat. ;)
RYAN: See you later Alena! :)
ALENA: See you! :)
I let out a long breath. For some strange reason I feel guilty. Guilty for what? I don't know.
I let out a groan of frustration. You don't have anything to be guilty about Alena. There's nothing between you and Leo, only the kids. As for Ryan, we haven't reached that 'point' so I guess there's nothing to be guilty about? I nod, trying to assure myself.
Are you sure? You must choose Alena, Leo or Ryan?
I quickly slap myself on booth cheeks. Let's not go there Alena, you have more important things to think about. Yes, like preparing for our lunch later.
I hurry down the stairs, rushing to the kitchen; as if running away from the choice that needs to be made.
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