Chapter 36

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Hey guys! How are you?

I'm sorry for the late chapter, I began writing the chapter during the Christmas work break but couldn't find the creative juices to finish it. Today, the boyfie couldn't meet me so I was alone in a cafe while waiting for my sister to finish her check-up. So I thought I should try to finish the chapter. Please bear with me. I have a basic idea of how to I want the next few chapters to go but I just don't have the creative juices at the moment to put them in paragraphs. Here's a long chapter (longer relative to my previous chapters) to keep you entertained. Though long, its quite uneventful so again I hope you continue to bear with me.

P.S. I really appreciate those who also take time to read and comment in the pre-chapter, sort of A/N section. I hope you continue to do so I love hearing about you guys. But as I said before, just positivity please :)

Last Update. February 22, 2020

Not Edited.

Not Edited

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I am on my way to the office to complete some paperwork and a meeting. Though it was a norm for me to spend all my time at work, these days I would try to quickly finish the things I had to do in order to squeeze some time to spend with the kids. So I'm filled with great joy that today with me are my children, seated in the back, and Alena, in the front passenger seat. They looked adorable in their matching outfits. I should take a photo of all of them together.

I also notice that like Laila, Alena is wearing the olive branch necklace I gave her. I don't know what that means nor do I want to look for meaning to it. I am more than happy to somewhat have back the friendship we once had. I won't be greedy. Her friendship is already a blessing in itself.

As we enter the building basement parking, I recall my conversation with Alena while we lock up her house.

"Will you introduce them as your children?"

I understood what she is leading to. If I introduced them as my children, it would spark numerous rumors. I look to Alena and answer her question with a question. "Do you mind?"

She doesn't answer immediately. A few moments pass before she responds "I ... really don't know ..." She pauses then sighs "... the kids would be hurt if you don't but I'm afraid of how the rumors will affect them."

Somberly I retort "No matter what we do, people will talk. Some changes have to be made too especially regarding your safety."

Alena nods in understanding and says "Let's make sure to talk about it sometime." She pauses, seemingly remembering the past, then sarcasically adds "Hooray to the return of bodyguards."

I laugh remembering how much she hated to have security details. She had reluctantly accepted having guards around the house but drew the line when I wanted to assign her a personal bodyguard. She said "I enjoy the company of my shadow, I do not need another one."

Before we could lock up the main door, I ask again "So you're okay if I say they are my children?", giving her a chance to recede her approval.

"Yes Leo." Alena says with a smile.

My children ... Lei, Lucca, and Laila.

Once we are safety parked, I open the door for the kids then quickly come to the passenger side to open the door for Alena. We enter the private elevator that lead directly to my office floor.

The elevator opens to a well decorated lobby and receptionist counter. I did not inform Richard, my secretary, ahead of time about my guests so upon seeing my entourage, he is momentarily shocked. He quickly recovers, putting on a smile as we reach him.

"Good morning Sir McGregor. Good morning Archt. Alena." He says with a slight bow.

"Good morning Richard. Will you please prepare coffee for Alena and I? Some cookies as well for the children." I say politely but with authority.

"Yes of course Sir." Richards responds.

I turn to my family and say "Shall we come in?" As I open the door, the kids quickly enter, excitedly looking around the room.

"Is that where you sit Daddy?" Laila asks pointing to the swivel chair behind the big desk.

"Yes princess." I answer.

"Can I sit there please?" She asks with puppy dog eyes.

"Of course." I turn to Lei and Lucca and ask "How bout you guys?"

"Nah." Lei says with a shrug before running towards the glass wall behind my desk.

Lucca, on the other hand, shrugs and answers while trying to hide his excitement "I will since you asked." He takes Laila's hand and together they round the desk. "You sit first." Lei tells Laila. Laila takes a seat but quickly leaves when Lei shouts "Laila! Laila look! Its the ferris wheel we rode before!"

Lucca takes Laila's place in the swivel chair. He makes himself comfortable then looks around the desk in front of him.

"Alright kids settle down. You promised not to disturb Leo ... and remember homework." Alena says, emphasizing the last word.

"Awwwwww" Lei replies pouting.

"Ahwp." Alena says stopping Lei with a raised finger "We agreed and--"

A knock interrupts her.

"No cookies if you don't do your homework." I say to the kids. I then tell Richard to come in.

He comes in bringing a tray with coffee and cookies.

"Alright kids, come have a seat." Alena instructs, pulling out one of the seats in the small conference table I had in the corner of my office.

Lucca looks at me and asks "Can I do my homework here?"

Alena answers on my behalf, somewhat embarrased "No Lucca, Leo needs to work."

I shake my head at Alena and say "Its okay Alena, I don't mind ..." I pause turning to Lucca then continue "... as long as you say please young man."

Lucca blushes slightly but with his head down complies "Please ..."

Without thinking, I ruffle his hair and say "That's my boy."

I gesture to Richard to place the cookies and coffee on the conference table as I make my way there to grab a chair.

Laila, who was already seated, says "Daddy can I have some milk with the cookies please?"

Hearing the word Daddy, Richard stops mid-action, looking at Laila with evident surprise. But he quickly recovers, proceeding to place the cookies and coffee on the table. He then turns to me and asks "Would you like me to bring another plate of cookies for your desk?"

I nod then add "Bring in three glasses of milk too Richard please."

Richard nods and takes his leave. Alena then goes on to help the kids settle down. Time passes with everyone being productive, Alena and I working and the children successfully completing their homework despite Lei's constant grumbling.

An hour and a half later, Richard knocks on my door and says "Its time for your meeting Sir."

"Daddy I'm hungry." Laila says with a pout. Though her being hungry is itself a mystery with all the cookies she had.

Alena scolds her saying "Laila, Leo has to work."

I pat her in the head and say "Don't worry princess, we'll have lunch after my meeting as promised."

"Can we have pizza?" Lei interjects, looking at me excitedly.

"I'm fine wherever, you guys can decide while I have my meeting." I reply, ruffling his hair.

I suddenly feel a pull at my sleeve. I turn to see Lucca beside me who quietly asks "Can I come?"

Alena replies on my behalf saying "Of course my dear, why would you think we will leave you behind?"

Lucca shakes his head then adds "To your meeting."

I'm shocked by his sudden request, and apparently so is Alena because she was looking at Lucca with both of her brows raised.

"Baby ..." Alena starts to say but I interrupt her by getting to one knee, eye level with Lucca and answering "It's okay Lucca, but this meeting is important so you have to be behave."

Lucca nods and replies "I promise."

I stand up while saying "Alright, that's settled. Let's go before were late for our meeting young man."

Before we could leave my office, I am once again stopped by pull at my sleeve. I turn to see a worried Alena. Before she could say anything, I give her a reassuring smile before saying "It's okay Alena. And don't worry, I'll make sure to take care of him. Give us a hour and a half. Busy yourselves on thinking where we'll have lunch later."

At that, Alena lets go of my arm and nods "We'll be waiting."

Richard, to his credit, doesn't show his surprise when the three of us make our way to the conference room. My staff, however, couldn't hide their shock. As soon as we enter, they stop mid-greeting staring instead at the unknown little boy who looked like me.

"Lucca go sit beside Richard over there." I say pointing to the seats by the wall intended for assistants and secretaries.

"Okay Dad" he answers before confidently making his way to his seat.

This elicits various responses -- a quiet gasp, eyes so wide it almost seemed like they would fall off their sockets, some papers falling on the floor -- generally the expected response, surprise. I ignore all these, taking my seat at the head of the table. "Shall we begin?"

Because of the surprise that is my little boy, the meeting began at a slow pace. But once everyone was focused, we were quickly and successfully able to cover our intended agenda. An hour later, everyone was making their way out of the conference room.

"Richard, go ahead and have your lunch. Also, I'll be out the rest of the day."

"Alright Sir. Have a good day." He responds before taking his leave.

I look to Lucca with a smile on my face, gesturing him to come to me. "So? What do you think?"

He pouts then says "It was boring. But it was fun when you were telling them what to do. Do you really have to listen to them talk and talk and talk? Can't you just boss them around? ... I want to boss them around."

I couldn't help but laugh. Oh yes I would love not have to join all these meetings.

"Think about it like this son. Does your teacher talk endlessly?" Lucca replies with a nod.

"Do you listen to your teacher?" He gives me another nod.

"Why?" I ask.

"Because I have to so that I can learn" Lucca responds.

"Its just like that. I have to listen to them so that I will learn whats happening to the company and then I can tell them what to do. Understand?"

He pouts but nods in understanding.

I couldn't help but ruffle his hair as I respond. "That's my boy. Good job. Are you hungry? Let's get going your mom must be worried."

Lucca holds unto my hand as we make our way to the elevator, which tugs my heartstrings. He's starting to trust me more.

As we make our way down, Lucca suddenly says "Good job also to you Dad."

"What did I do?" I ask curiously.

"Mom is smiling more. Like a real smile. I think its because of you." He says with a big smile on his face.

"You think so?" I don't think its because of me. Nevertheless, I am glad to hear that she's happier.

He nods vigorously, showing how much he thought this was true. "I guess you could be her boyfriend then Dad. Remember I told you? You could only be her boyfriend if you make her happy."

A warmth spreads my heart. Girlfriend. Well, I would love Wife but I shouldn't get my hopes up. I made my bed and now I have to lie in it. Each little thing Alena gives me is already more than I deserve so I have to be grateful. Plus, this means Lucca trusts me enough to take care of Alena. And that is significant given he's Alena's little bodyguard.

I didn't know how to respond, since I am sure that Alena would never want me as her boyfriend. So I simple ruffle his hair as we exit the elevator.

The minute I open my office door, we hear a scream partnered by the sound of a falling chair. "YESSSS! PIZZAAAAAAA TIMEEE!!"

"LEIGHTON XAVIER! YOU PROMISED YOU WOULD BEHAVE" Alena scolds. Uh oh someone's in trouble.

We enter to see an angry Alena with her hands on her hips, looking down at nervous Lei. To diffuse the situation, I wrap my arm around her waist saying 'Dear calm down." I then turn to Lei saying with a stern voice "Lei why did you do that?"

Lei looks to me with guilt stricken eyes and answers "I was bored Dad so I was happy that you finally came back. I'm sorry."

Still with a stern voice I say "I understand but that doesn't mean you should be misbehave. Do you understand?"

With his head down he says "Yes Dad, I'm sorry. I'm sorry Mom"

Patting him in the head, I say with a softer voice "As long as you understand son."

Lei looks to his mother who smiles and tells him "Now, be a good boy and help your siblings clean up so that we can have lunch."

Lei hugs Alena and I together saying "I'll keep your things too Mom." He then rushes off, calling on his siblings to start cleaning up.

With that situation diffused, I say "I'll go prepare my things." as I walk to my desk.

"Let me help." Alena says following me.

"No tha--" "Ahwp" She says, silencing with a raised hand. "I will not take no for an answer. I do not want to feel useless so hush." She then calls Lucca to have him grab his things from my desk. When this is done, she opens my briefcase and waits for me to put in the documents I needed. As I do so, she quietly says "Thank you." I look to see her looking at the kids helping each other pack up. "Its nice to have some help dealing with their stubbornness."

I squeeze her hand to reassure her. "I'm not leaving Alena, you don't have to carry the burden alone anymore."

Alena doesn't answer. She simply looks at me with a smile then, speaking to the kids, says "Let's get going!"

We hurriedly enter the elevator, hungry and excited for pizza. Lucca animatedly shares to Alena and his siblings about his experience during the meeting. Alena holds Lucca and Lei's hand while I held Laila's hand. We are like a normal family. And I will work hard, until my last breath, to have and keep this.


Engrossed with Lucca's narrative, I did not notice the elevator opening and revealing a smiling and sexily dressed Lauren.

Oh fuck.

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