"I have a letter from Madame Athalena sir."
My secretary places an envelope on my desk. I stare at the envelope with my name. Pain. Anger. Disgust. I am flooded with mixed emotions that are hard to keep contained.
"I shall take my leave then sir."
Hey guys! I read through the previous chapters and realized that I made some errors with Leo's secretary, specifically with regards to the name and gender. So just to make things clear especially to those who noticed. Leo's secretary is male and his name is Richard. I'll make sure to correct this error in the previous chapters. Anyway, a update on Wednesday as promised. Hope you enjoy!
Last Updated. March 5, 2019
Not Edited.
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The sound rings around the kitchen as I place the cup on the table where Alena and I are seated. After tucking the kids to bed, Alena came downstairs and walked to the kitchen without saying a word. I followed her to the kitchen to see her grabbing two cups of water. She hands me one of the cups wordlessly and gestures towards the chair.
I look at my watch as Alena seats across me with her head down. Five minutes has passed, with the tension rising as each second ticks by. I would say something but I am lost for words.
What were the kids like growing up?
Was it hard raising them all alone?
Did you cheat on me?
Do you hate me?
"Thank you ...... for the donuts." Alena's quiet voice pierces the silence.
I look up and see her eyes still focused on the table.
"They have such insatiable sweet tooth ... they could never pass up any dessert." Alena continues with a small smile on her face. Some strands of hair has come off her ponytail and there seems to be some dark circles under her eyes. But she still looks beautiful nonetheless. Angelic. My angel.
I mentally slap myself at that thought. She isn't yours Leo. Get your sh*t together.
"Have you seen the DNA results? Your secretary emailed them to me earlier today." She says.
"No I haven't." I reply.
She looks at me blankly, then nods. "You were good with them earlier too."
I shrug and reply "It was nothing, I've always been fine with Math."
She looks at me and smirks saying "Cocky I see, but that's not what I meant. You connected with them well. Lucca seems to have warmed up a little bit too."
I smile remembering the incident at the cafe. "That boy is protective."
"All of them are, but he is the one who is like a guard dog." She replies letting out a small giggle then continues "Would you like some photos and videos of them? I can email them to your secretary if you want to see them."
A surge of joy enters my heart at her offer. I give her a smile and reply "I'd appreciate that. You can send it to me. I'll text you my personal email." I pause then say "Thank you Alena ... for allowing me to be part of their lives."
"Based on what I've seen so far, you can be a good father Leo. I appreciate the gesture for the kids. But the coffee though ..." She pausing, seemingly trying to formulate the words in her head. A few seconds later, she looks at me with determined eyes.
"Look I want it clear from the start. You can be their father. I want you to be their father. They deserve a good and loving father. But this ..." she pauses gesturing at both of us "... cannot happen."
An unexpected pang of hurt hits my heart at her words. I make sure to hide it as she continues. "Like I said during our previous talk. Only for the kids. So as long as it doesn't affect my little angels, I do not care who you date or sleep with. I expect the same for you with me. Do I make myself clear?"
Before replying, I look at her ... really look at her. She had that determined look on her face but I could see other emotions briefly show on her eyes. Anger? Hurt? Hope?
"Leo? Do I make myself clear?" Alena repeats herself with more assertion.
"Yes I understand." I reply with a nod.
She looks at the clock on the kitchen wall then says "Okay its late shall we—"
"I'm sorry." I abruptly as I look down on the table.
I look at her allowing the feelings that I do not understand to show "I'm sorry that you had to raise them on your own. I'm sorry that you had to work so hard. I'm sor—"
"LEO STOP!" Alena shouts.
"Please ..." She says with tears pouring down her eyes "... I'm not ready for this."
My heart clenches seeing her tear stained face. The urge to comfort her hits me hard but I restrain myself, knowing it will only make things worse.
I nod, putting my emotions in check before replying "Go to bed, I'll make sure everything is locked and see myself out. See you Saturday?"
She nods as she wipes her tears then answers quietly "See you Saturday. Good night Leo."
"Good night Alena."
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