Chapter 26

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Hey guys! I apologize for the late update. Our internet is down for days and only now did I have the time to run to a cafe with wi-fi. Anyway, thank you for everyone who is still reading until now. If you have any feedback, please feel free to send me a message but please remember to keep it constructive. I would very much appreciate it if we keep the atmosphere positive and avoid any negativity. Hope you enjoy! :)

Last Updated. March 22, 2019

Not Edited.

Not Edited

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Knock knock.

"Lucca?" I call out to my little angel as he locks himself inside his room after earlier's revelation.

Knock knock knock.

"Lucca?" I call a little louder but still no response. I sigh deeply wondering what was running inside his head. It hurt, seeing my little angels shocked expression. Excruciating, to see Lucca running out. But a part of me .. a selfish part of me ... is relieved  .. relieved to have such heavy burden unloaded from my shoulders. I'm ashamed of this feeling, but its been very very hard working to fill the role of mother and father. To be on the other end of their questioning look every Father's Day, wanting to know more about their own father. All I could tell them was that I didn't know where he was; but that I was sure he loves them with all of his heart and was doing all he could to be by their side as soon as possible.

Yes I know at that time it was a lie. I did know where Leo was, and I though that he did not want the kids. But I just could not bear to see the longing look on their faces whenever they would see their classmates being picked up by their father. No matter how much I loved them, there was still  a small part in their hearts that I could not fill. The need to have, or at the very least know, their father. And now that I know that Leo didn't know about the kids, and that he is here, and that I could see he would be a wonderful father to them, who am I to deprive them of him?

Hearing the news at first may hurt them. But as their mother, I believe this is for the best ... to meet their father ... to have a father. Therefore I have to be strong for my little angels and guide them through this process. Even if I still have issues with Leo.

"Lucca ... If you do not open this door right now, you are banned from sleeping with me for a whole month." I say sternly.

A  seconds later the door opens slowly, showing a pouting Lucca. I smile internally at his reaction.  He acts so tough but he is a mama's boy through and through.

I come inside, close the door and lead Lucca to his bed. We sit there in silence for a few minutes before he breaks the silence with a question.

"What is he like?"

I take my time, contemplating how I should respond. "Leo ... lets just say out of the three of you, you take after him the most." I say, looking at Lucca with a small smile.

"Others say he is hard to get to know ... cold even. But when you do get to know him, he has this ... tenderness unique to him. This 'tenderness' may not seem like so to others because of how stern he is, but that's how he shows it. He wants only the best for those he loves." I pause before adding "Just like you."

"Oh ..." Lucca says then looks down, taking in my response.

"What did he mean that he didn't know about us?" He asks seemingly hurt.

I sigh internally, careful about how I should answer. "You see Lucca, before I could tell your father that I was pregnant with you guys, we had this big fight. It was a very big fight that for a period of time we didn't speak with each other, he would not listen to me. Which is why whenever you have a fight with Lei, I always have you talk and make up so you do not end up like your father and I." I respond, changing the subject in the end to avoid having to give further details.

"Oh ..." Lucca answers the same way again. Lucca didn't seem to notice my diversion, thankful but also worried that he wasn't is inquisitive self. After a few minutes of silence, I put my arm over his shoulders and ask "What really is the matter my dear?"

He does not answer immediately, probably debating if he should open up or not. Thankfully, he replies "I'm scared."

A heart breaks hearing the fear in his voice. I urge him on asking "Scared of what? That he will leave again?"

He shakes his head before replying "I'm scared he won't like me." He pauses, turning his fearful face towards me and continues, "I've been mean to him the whole time. He's been nice to me but I only shrug him off. I though he was going to take you away from us." He says almost bursting to tears.

"Ahwwww baby come here." I say engulfing him in a big hug. Never in my wildest imagination did I think those words would come out of Lucca's mouth. He really is a big mama's boy. And may be a papa's boy too.

"Baby, look at me." I pause, making sure I have his full attention.

"First of all, I will not leave you. I may not always be with you physically but believe me when I say that I will never leave you on your own. Understand?" I wait for his confirmation before continuing.

"Secondly, Leo loves you. He loves each and every one of you. Remember the incident in the cafe?" Lucca blushes slightly, probably recalling how he attacked his father.

"He said he was proud of you. Proud that you stood up and took care of me."

"Really?" Lucca says.

I nod before giving him a smile "So you do not have to be scared. Leo wants to get to know you better."

"What do I tell him?" Lucca says shyly.

Wow, he must really care about Leo. I have never seen Lucca so unsure of himself.

"Just be yourself baby. Leo wants to know the real you." I say pointing at his heart.

"Okay." Lucca shyly replies with a weak smile.

"Now. Why don't you get ready for bed while I make sure your siblings are settled in?" I say as a run my hand through is hair. He nods in reply before rushing to his closet to grab his pajamas.

I stand and walk to his door. Before leaving I turn to him and say "I love you baby."

He answers with his rare beaming smile that I will forever treasure "I love you too Mom."


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