Chapter 28

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Last Updated. April 10, 2019

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After my conversation with Lucca, I head downstairs to get the other two kids to bed. I head to the dining area but don't find them there. Seeing the table all cleaned up, I head next to the kitchen. There I'm struck by what I see. Leo is washing the dishes while Laila dries them and Lei puts them in their cabinets. All the while the kids are talking animatedly with Leo. Tears threaten to come bursting but I hold it in. This is what I've been dreaming for my kids.

I tuck this memory in my heart and compose myself before making myself known.

"Time for bed kids." I call out.

All heads turn to me with smiles on their faces. Leo is first to respond saying "Okay, lets quickly finish this up so you can head to bed." He looks at the remaining dishes and challenges the kids "You think we can finish in three minutes?"

The two kids nod their head excitedly with Lei exclaiming "You bet!"

Leo then replies "Okay. Three ... two ... one ... GO!"

They all speed up and true to their word, in three minutes all the dishes are cleaned, dried, and stored.

"Good job everyone!" I say patting the two kids in the head. "Now, bed."

Lei and Laila nod their heads in acknowledgment. Lei turns to Leo and says "Good night Leo!" Before rushing up the stairs. Laila on the other hand, gives Leo a quick hug as she shyly says "Good night."

A beautiful smile is plastered on Leo's face before he returns Laila's hug and says "Good night my princess."

I then take Laila's hand and we head upstairs.

Fifteen minutes later, I have the Laila and Lei in their respective rooms fast asleep. I smile at how quickly they could fall asleep. It has always been a blessing especially when they were babies.

I make my way to Lucca's room to make sure he was asleep. Because Lucca, contrarily, takes forever to fall asleep. That's why he always ends up coming to my room. Mama's boy.

Upon opening his door, my blood quickly drains at the sight of his empty bed.

"Lucca?" I call out.

I franticly but quietly check the bathroom and master bedroom, not wanting to wake up the other two children. My fears turn up a notch when still I do not find Lucca.

I quickly rush downstairs to ask for Leo's help. But I do not find him anywhere. I look out the window and see his car is still in the driveway. Where is this man when I need him?!?

Suddenly, my brain screams GARDEN!

I hurriedly open the back sliding door and exclaim "LEO! LUCCA'S GONE MISSING! I CAN'T FIND HIM ANYWhere ..." I do not finish upon seeing Lucca safely tucked within Leo's arm. All panic rushes from me, replaced with relief.

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