Chapter 1- Jenna

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"My sleep wasn't peaceful, though. I have the sense of emerging from a world of dark, haunted places where I travel alone- Mockingjay (the hunger games, #3)

Dedicated to azi_raux

Cries, shouts, screams, and evil laughter. Jenna was in the middle of all chaos that seemed oblivious to her existence and watched as people ran.

Children were crying, mothers and fathers were running looking for their beloved. Smoke was everywhere blinding Jenna temporarily. The air was thick was pain and fear- fear for people's lives.

She looked around her and saw a very beautiful little girl covered in white who looked familiar for some reason she could not understand.

A woman kissed the child's forehead and gave her to a woman whose face was blurred. The little girl's cries filled Jenna's ears as the woman ran amidst the commotion- the chaos.

A burst of terrible evil laughter was heard and a man with huge black wings looked at her and said "Am coming for you, Jenna". Then, he lunged at her.

Jenna's heart skipped a beat. She couldn't move. Her feet were firmly pointed to the ground not minding the fact that its owner was going to be grabbed by a huge monster. She wasn't sure if it was due to shock or fear but she just stood there watching the monster heading for her. Just as the beast was about to grab her, it all ended.

Jenna woke up sweating and panting. She was used to this; she should be used to this. The nightmares had become a part of her, something she had no choice than to deal with each time she closed her eyes. Usually, they came in bits but as she grew older, they had more details. This one had been the most detailed one Jenna had had.

The same puzzling dream she had found herself drowning in each passing night since she was four. These dreams had a lot of meaning, that she knew.

A hidden meaning.

It was like the dreams were a repetition of a past event or a memory she could not remember but she couldn't just fix the puzzle together. No one knew about her nightmares, she faced them all alone.

Jenna sighed and looked at the clock, 5:30 am. She laid her bed and went into the bathroom to have a cold shower.

It would help to keep her occupied and take her mind off her dream. Maybe perhaps keep her focused on how the water felt on her bare skin or how cool it was. Her hand moved around her right shoulder as she ran the shower.

Her hand stopped on a spot. On that spot was a tattoo or whatever it was. It was small but visible enough to be seen. It showed two white wings and a golden crown in the middle. She once asked her mom about it but Helena never said anything.

She even checked a tattoo graphic book to see if she could find her strange mark there but there was nothing even close to it. The tattoo artist had described it as a very peculiar tattoo. It was more like a birthmark, a very peculiar one.

After having her bath, she tied her hair in a low ponytail, wore blue jeans, a white tank top, a plain blue jeans cap, and blue and white sneakers.

Blue wasn't her favorite color but just wanted to go for a little change, a totally different look. On a normal day and under normal circumstances, Jenna would have worn black or any other color definitely not blue but this wasn't like other days.

She went to the kitchen to make herself some coffee. the smell and taste somehow always manages to calm her down. She was going to a new school in a new town.

After Helena heard about some little fights and riots in their former town, they took off leaving behind old friends.

Jenna sighed as she ran her fingers through her long black hair. She was different from other people. She didn't consider herself normal.

She could sense when people were in danger and had visions of bad things that were going to happen to someone.

Sadly, none of the visions proved to be false with the news picking up information. She had noticed her increased strength and speed varied from others but they were not very noticeable as someone could think that she was just athletic.

Jenna knew her strength and speed was very high and different. When she told Helena about her strange abilities, she was told to not let anyone know; it was to be a secret between both of them.

She made herself a little toast and started to listen to a song while eating her breakfast.

It wasn't long when her mother came down the stairs looking ready. Helena and Jenna had no resemblance so Jenna concluded she looked like her father though she had never met him nor had she seen a picture of him.

This made Jenna curious but not curious enough to go looking for him herself. While Jenna had black hair, Helena was blonde and while Jenna had striking grey eyes that resembled the cloud during a stormy day, Helena's was a dull green.

"You ready Jenna?" Helena asked and smiled. It was just Jenna and Helena, no dad, but Jenna didn't really mind. her mom filled the gap perfectly. Although she was quite sad when she was young she later got over it.

"Yup sure just moved away from a town I had grown to love and people I grew up with without any notice so yeah... I am more than ready to go" Jenna replied sarcastically.

Helena shook her head and said, "Darling, I know you're upset about the whole moving thing but it's for your own'll see and besides this town isn't so bad as you think it is and am sure you will make friends in your new school".

Helena straightened her shirt and picked her car keys on the counter while Jenna rolled her eyes and muttered

"Yeah whatever you say, mother".

Helena sighed in frustration after obviously hearing what Jenna said. Raising a teenager alone was hard. Jenna locked the door and stood in the driveway waiting for Helena who had gone to the garage to pick their minivan.

There you go. The first chapter of Jenna. Please tell me what you think about my book. Honestly, I was unsure of posting this book you know the usual ...Will they like it? Will they not?.. sort of thing. I would really be happy if you guys like it. I will update later today or tomorrow. Don't forget to vote, share and comment
Yours Crazily,

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