Chapter 8-#welcome pillow party

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Hey everyone, it is I. I know I said till July 9 or 10 but due to some certain persons I will not mention *cough* *Tolu* *Rita* *Gloria* *cough*, I will continue to write during my free time. But I can't give you guys the regular everyday update since exams are still ongoing so till then I will be updating once in a while. To be honest, I want to quickly finish Jenna so I can move on to my next books. Yeah I know, books? You can't stop the inspiration from flowing people. So enjoy this chapter.

"A friend is never a coincidence in your life, they are meant to enter your life, to bring you joy and laughter. So I will cherish the friendship between us."- Unknown.

After school, Jenna walked to her dorm which was at the back of the school. Her room number was room 308 and she had earlier learnt she was sharing it with the girls. At least it was better than sharing a room with strangers. That would have been totally awkward. Her attachment to and easiness around the girls surprised her. Even with April who was a bit mean to her although Mae told her that it's because she didn't know her well.

She used her keys to open the room while adjusting her backpack on her shoulder and met the girls smiling at her, well April's was kind of creepy, Mae's was like a Cheshire cat's and Violet's was the only normal smile. Surprised at their sudden appearance, Jenna moved back a little and later relaxed when she saw who appeared in front of her. "Jeez guys, you almost gave me a heart attack" she said rubbing her chest. She heard April mutter a "told you it wouldn't work". "Ah, don't worry, you'll live. do you like it" Violet asked after pulling Jenna in the room. Since she got to her room, she hadn't noticed the room. Right above her was a 'welcome Jenna' sign hanging from both ends of the door.

The room was very big. It didn't have bunk beds which surprised Jenna, it had queen size beds at the four corners of the room. On each side of the beds were a walk-in closet, bathroom, a desk with lamp and a little couch. The room was thrice the size of her room back at their new house. Who could have thought a shabby old school like this could know the meaning of comfort.

One side of the room was painted purple, another turquoise, another green and lastly white. She could instantly tell the one coloured purple was Violet's. She was the only one with the obsession with the colour purple. The rest colours, she wasn't sure who owned them. April definitely didn't look like the girl who would love turquoise so she concluded turquoise was for Mae, green April and lastly white for her? How they got to paint their room was a wonder to Jenna.

"Welcome to our room" Mae squealed loudly causing Jenna to cover her ears. "Sorry, got a little over-excited" Mae apologized. Jenna nodded and said "Thank you..." she turned to the rest and continued "All of you". The girls nodded and April spoke from the other end where the bed whose part of the wall was white "We hope you are okay with the colour white, we didn't know your favourite colour although Violet suggested blue and Mae pink". Pink? Blue? No way. "And what did you suggest?" Jenna asked April. She shrugged her shoulders and replied walking towards her "White. Better to leave it that way so that if she had any preference she could paint it rather than finding it an annoying pink or blue. Jenna smiled. Somehow April understood her more than the other girls.

She didn't mind the colour, in fact she loved it. It was her colour and it made her feel at ease and peaceful. She wasn't sure if a colour can do that but she felt calm with the colour around. Pink would have been suffocating and blue, not comfortable. "I love it. Thank you guys so much" she said hugging the girls. They were surprised but quickly hugged her back. Jenna was the first to break the hug to unpack her bags Helena had earlier sent.

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