Chapter 9- Dreams and nightmares (Part 1)

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Yeah yeah, I know two chapters in a day? what is happening? I was threatened to did this and I love my body parts thank you very much. Guess what? I was kidnapped by aliens who wanted my body but the good news is they were made out of food so I ate my way through. Anyway enjoy while it lasts, I don't know if I will ever put two chapters on the same day again. ENJOY!!

"Even if she be not harmed, her heart may fail her in so much and so many horrors, and hereafter, she may suffer in both dreams and nightmares"- Unknown

Pitch black. Jenna couldn't see throygh the darkness. Suddenly, a little light shone at the end of the darkness. She found herself running towards the light. She could feel the closeness of the light, it's heat yet it was faraway. It was teasing her, letting her get so close before drifting off again. And then, with the suddeness it used to appear before her, it disappeared. Scared, she looked around. She tried screaming but no sound came out. She looked around again and this time found something thet caught her eyes. A st of striking blue eyes. The eyes were the same captivating ones that kept her entangled in her own thoughts, the eyes she could easily identify in the midst of thousand blue-eyed lookalikes. The lookalikes' gazes would not hold an intense stare that compelled you into a blissful trance and their touch would not be able to produce sparks at even the slightest touch. The eyes that belonged to the person she was constantly thinking of-Dexter Wings.

She stared at the eyes and the eyes stared back at her never leaving her face. She blinked and found herself falling into a bottomless pit. Jenna woke up panting, fear clearly written on her face. She was relived when she realized it was just a dream. But 'just' had never been in Jenna Skylar's dictionary.

Evey word that had a just meant it was far from being 'just' simple. The dream was different from the others meaning more puzzles piled up on the am-trying-to-figure-out-how-my-life-works-and-understand-it desk. The only meaningful thing she could make out was those eyes. The question was why was Dexter Wings in her dreams? or was he so full of her mind that he had found a way into her dreams? Ha!

She rubbed her eyes tiredly. S he still had four more hours to sleep and the girls were still fast asleep. She sighed tiredly and laid back on the bed praying she wouldn't face more dreams and nightmares when the darkness took her.

Hehehe. That up there is the shortest chapter I have written so far. My fingers hurt so bad. I need to cure them...with FOOD!!!. Until next time.

Keep on shining........
Yours Crazily,

JENNAWhere stories live. Discover now