Chapter 4- New friends, Old Jenna

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"Every new friend is a new adventure.......the start of more memories- Patrick Lindsay

Picture of Violet up in the media. I want to dedicate this chapter to my first followers. Thank you so much. Sorry if I can't remember your names but thanks a lot even you two- Gloria and Edu. Enjoy the double update as promised and don't forget to Vote, Comment, Share, and Follow. Enjoy.

Yours Crazily,

As soon as they were they chased out by Principal Cooper, Violet extended a hand to Jenna and smiled "Hi, am Violet Turner and I will be in charge of .........well you being comfortable". Jenna returned the smile and took the extended handshaking Violet "Jenna-Jenna Skylar". "Am sorry but how old are you?". The question had been eating Jenna up since she peeked at her in the office. Violet looked at Jenna for a while making Jenna shift uncomfortably before smiling "18. I know I look ridiculously like 12 years old, I get that a lot from people. Mum's American, dad, Korean, you need to see my dad, he looks like a college boy and he's 48. I got his genes." Violet said laughing lightly. Jenna had eased visibly and was now smiling at Violet. She did look like 12 years old.

"Sorry about Principal Cooper, she's being worked up from her breakup". Jenna was surprised. She thought Principal Cooper would have settled down with kids, even Helena seemed younger than her and she had her. "How did you know" Jenna couldn't hide the curiosity and amusement in her voice. Principal Cooper didn't seem to be the type to run her mouth on her failed relationship with her students so she was curious about how Violet got the information.

Violet snapped her thumb and index finger together and said "In Central High, news travel faster than The Flash, one leak, no, one witness and the whole school would know. You are the new hot topic of discussion. That's why you should your secrets secret if you want to survive in this school. Besides, we all witnessed the drama first hand, it should get an Oscar award. She was practically bawling her eyes out, it was a very sorry sight".

"Poor Principal Cooper," Jenna said and Violet nodded. She had never experienced heartbreak but she had seen it in movies and had friends who experienced it and it wasn't a pleasant experience.

"Well, that's enough about our principal and her failed love life," Violet said and collected Jenna's dorm keys to finding out which room she was staying in. "You're with me and the girls" Violet squealed with excitement. "OK" Jenna simply said unsure whether to be excited or not. There was nothing to be delighted about to her. She just wanted to finish high school there that is if she hasn't moved away by then. She honestly wasn't looking forward to that. She didn't find sharing the same room with a bunch of girls exciting.

I apologize if there are any typos. My brain is too tired to spell right. Anyway, don't forget the drill. Vote, Share, Comment and Follow. I would love to know what you think about this chapter. Bye. Oh and just in case, the next chapter update might be late tomorrow. I am gonna be busy. Bye

Yours Crazily,

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