Chapter 11- Meeting Coy

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Hey guys. Am so sorry I took so long to update. The exams were packed last week. Anyway, lets keep this short. Picture of Coy up in the media. '-' :)

Lunch came and Jenna went to the cafeteria. She took a tray and stood in line.

"Hello gorgeous" Jenna heard a voice behind her say. Surprised, she jumped a little and looked back to see a guy smiling at her. He had dark brown hair which he jelled to his side and brown eyes. He was 6'7 with a sharp jawline and a tanned skin. His face felt familiar like she had seen him somewhere before. He wore black faded jeans and a blue and red stripped shirt. Everything about him from his looks to his dressing screamed major player.

Jenna wasn't in the mood to have a conversation with one because of Dexter's earlier embarrassment. His words surprising affected her. It was like someone went after her heart with a sledgehammer and broke her heart into pieces.

"Hi" she replied making sure he saw her uninterested face. She hoped he would get the message that she didn't want to talk to him and leave her alone but it was either he was too dumb to notice or he noticed but didn't care. She guessed it was the latter. "You can join my table. You know, beautiful girls like you should be sitting with the popular guys like me not those people you sit with. I can make you one of us" he added.

Jenna inwardly cursed 'To hell with your table full of popular guys and your proud annoying ass' Jenna internally screamed at the stranger. She was contemplating saying that to him not in her mind but she decided not to do. Right then, she was fuming but she decided not to let it show so as to not a cause a scene for the drama hungry teenagers in the cafeteria.

"No thank you" she said through gritted teeth trying to trying not to pour her anger on the guy behind her. She had gotten her food and headed to her table. She rolled her eyes and grunted when she heard him shout at her "See you later gorgeous".

She got to the table where the rest were sitting and started eating. Things were going fine until the guy from earlier decided to come to their table. "Hello gorgeous" he said flashing her a smile she thought irritating when she compared it to what she imagined to be Dexter's smile even though she had never seen it.

Everyone on her table stopped whatever they were doing and watched Jenna and the guy. Jenna mentally groaned but put on a fake smile so fake that it was easy to detect. But the idiot in front of her didn't notice, surprised? ", me, together" he continued ignoring the shocked faces from her face and the attention he got from half of the cafeteria even Dexter's. Jenna was sure that her friends were wondering if he noticed the look on her face.

Jenna looked at her friends with pleading eyes and smiled with gratitude when Violet decided to help her. "Oh my gosh, Jenna. Mr Funhiners told you to come see him after you've eaten. You've got to go or else you'll be in trouble because excuses doesn't work on that man" she said packing her things and tray. She signalled to the others and they followed her lead. "Yeah, I can't believe I actually forgot, thanks Violet. So I got to go, bye now" Jenna said playing along. She tried to run away but was stopped by a hand that held her back.

With her lunch in one hand, she turned to see the guy was holding her back. Why won't he get that he was wasting his time with her? She looked into his eyes repeatedly chanting to herself in her head to not blow up. He was getting on her nerves. It didn't seem like a bad thing to dump her food on his head to get her point across but it didn't look like he would get it with his dumb brain. She tried releasing her hand from his grip but it was quite strong. He continued to look at her in amusement. "Feisty" he muttered to himself. "I like it. You haven't answered my question, will you go out with me? Although the answer must be yes" he asked tightening his grip on her hand.

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