Aim For the Heart: Part Two (Niall)

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[Here it is! And I am soooo so so sorry for taking so long!! Forgive me? Yes? Anyway, I hope you enjoy!]

“God, I’m never drinking again,” I said as I fell onto the couch. I had just finished emptying whatever was left in my stomach from the night before and I felt like complete shit. 

Harry laughed, “Yeah, I remember when I used to tell myself that.”

“Just go and get something to eat. You’ll feel better,” Liam suggested from the kitchen.

I groaned and pulled the blanket over my head. 

“How are you guys even okay? You were just as drunk as the rest of us.”

“Years of practice, mate. You’ve got to learn as you go.”

I scoffed, “The only thing I learned was to not let the Styles kid touch my drink.”

“Hey,” I heard Harry and the blanket was tugged away from my face, “it’s not my fault you couldn’t handle it. Besides, you should be thanking me.”

“Why’s that?” I asked while I reached for the blanket.

He leaned over the couch, “Because I think I see a few hairs growing now.”

He poked at my chest and I rolled my eyes as I swatted his hand away. Harry laughed as he pulled off his shirt and slung a towel over his shoulder. He walked to the bathroom as Liam sat on the opposite couch, a slight smile on his face.

“How bad is it?” he asked over the brim of his coffee mug.

I groaned again and rolled over onto my side.

“Well, there’s absolutely nothing in my stomach and my head feels like it’s been smashed against a brick wall.”

Liam winced at my description and then reached in his back pocket. He took out his wallet, pulled out a few bills, and threw them on the table. 

“Here. Go and get you something.”

“What about you?” I asked, picking up the bills. 

“Don’t worry. I think Harry and I are going to drink it off.”

“Bleh,” I said, making a face. I shook my head and tried to ignore the sour taste in my mouth. 

“Get something to eat,” he chuckled, “I suggest something fried and greasy. There’s a diner down the way. Do you want me to go with you or will you be okay alone?”

“I’ll be fine,” I confirmed as I stood from the couch.

After I changed, I let Liam know that I would be back and left the apartment, taking Liam’s phone with me at his request.

It was strange being out alone and around other people as I made my way through the streets. I couldn’t help but let myself dip in and out of the minds of passersby. It was refreshing. 

Many of them were on their way to work, worrying about whether they had turned off the coffee pot or about how much they hated their boss. 

Eventually, I was able to find the diner Liam had described. I walked in and found a table near the back corner, allowing me to see the entire place with its cracked walls and scuffed floors. People of all kinds sat around the booths and tables. 

I was approached by a waitress with a bright smile but sad eyes. 

“Good morning, what can I do for you today?” she said, in her best attempt of chipper.

I hesitated before I answered. Listening to her mind was like trying to watch a flipbook. She was jumping back and forth through mile long worries. Her dad, her girlfriend, bills, rent, her failing at Business Ethics; it was exhausting. She placed a menu in front of me while she continued to smile.

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