Aim for the Heart: Part One (Zayn)

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[AN: Hello everyone! Okay, so this chapter is going to be in five parts. It's all happening at the same time but it will be in each boy's point of view. I hope this makes sense but it'll all come to together at the last part. Please let me know if you're confused. Also, please comment and vote! It's how I know you guys are actually enjoying this :D Thanks, everyone!]

Out of all the hangovers I've ever had, this was probably the worst and because this was the only hangover I've experienced, I was pretty sure I was dying. My head was pounding and my neck was kinked from spending the night in the bathtub of the apartment.

I had just missed Niall, who was passed out as well, as I stumbled from the tub to puke in the toilet. I didn't even remember how I got into the bathroom in the first place but I was thankful.

Note: never let Harry make my drinks again, I thought to myself.

After two more bouts in the toilet and downing about as much water as I could take, I managed to get myself home and shower before going to class.

"Did you have a fun time, sweetie?" my mom asked in what seemed to be twelve notches higher than her normal volume.

"Mom, please stop talking so loud," I groaned as I rubbed my fingers over my temples. She giggled and handed me a couple of aspirins and a cup of coffee.

"Oh, you boys," she said and turned back to making some scrambled eggs which I had no desire to eat. Eventually, she was able to coax me into eating a few bites, saying that I would feel better once I had something in my stomach.

I left the house feeling somewhat better and my headache was fading slightly by the time I pulled onto campus.

"Rough night, man?" Frat Guy Spencer asked me when I sat down. He had introduced himself as just 'Spencer' a couple days after the backpack incident but I didn't care to distinguish him any differently.

"Mmph," I grunted, not wanting to engage in any conversation until this headache had completely subsided. Frat Guy Spencer snickered a bit and nudged my shoulder.

"Been there before, bro. The only way to cure that is to drink some more."

I flinched. Even the thought of drinking again caused my stomach to turn sour and I felt as though I was going to spill the scrambled eggs all over the table. I took another swig from my water bottle and pulled my hood over my eyes right before the professor had brutishly flicked on the classroom lights.

I groaned quietly when he started his lecture. I really didn't know how I was going to make it through this class.

By the time my second class ended, I was fighting sleep. All I wanted was to go back home and pass out in my bed. Unfortunately, I had one more class before I could officially be done for the day. Louis had offered for me to sleep in his dorm due to the fact that he would be in the library studying for a test he assured he was going to fail.

"Well, at least you're trying," I said over the phone.

"I guess. I'd make a shit lawyer anyway," he replied.

I gave him a few more words of encouragement and thanked him for letting me borrow his bed before I hung up. I shoved my phone into the back pocket of my jeans and looked up to the sky to see heavy clouds begin to form in the distance.

Louis must have been having a hard time with his studying session and the thought made me smile. Louis wasn't the type to seclude himself in a library with his nose pressed to the inside of a book. He was a typical college senior, only doing what he had to do to finish up his last year.

"I love learning, Like, I'm really good at retaining the information," he had told me, "I just hate taking the tests and doing homework. It's irrational."

I got where he was coming from, although I didn't understand why he complained. He never got anything lower than an A- on his exams.

As I walked across campus, the sun continued to fade behind the clouds. Luckily for me, I was nearing Louis' dorm just in case the weather decided to take a turn for the worst.

I pulled out my earbuds from my backpack and switched to my favorite song before putting them in and turning up the volume. My head bobbed to the beat as Louis' dorm came into view.

Suddenly, a sharp pain struck my side and my pace faltered slightly. I thought that maybe it was a stomach cramp. I had put my system through a lot earlier so it wasn't a surprise that it was starting to revolt against me.

I continued to walk but the pain intensified the more I moved.

What the hell is wrong with me? I thought. Maybe I needed to throw up again.

I was looking for the nearest trashcan when I noticed there were people running across the lawn. They seemed panicked but I didn't know why. My music was too loud to hear anything. I took out my earbuds to hear that there were screams echoing throughout the area.

I was beginning to feel dizzy and lightheaded, causing me to stumble over my feet. The pain grew and spread down into my leg.

"Shit," I said through my teeth.

It was becoming impossible to walk and I clutched my side. The fabric felt warm and damp. I frowned with confusion and looked down as I pulled my hand away to find that it was covered in a dark red substance.

My eyes widened at the sight of the blood that covered my hand. I checked my side and the blood was flowing down onto my jeans. I didn't understand why I was bleeding. What did I do? Surely, it wasn't blood. Maybe I had rubbed against red paint.

I tried to think but the pain became unbearable. My legs finally gave in and they buckled beneath me, causing me to fall to my knees. A metallic tang filled my senses.


Was someone shouting my name? It was distant, as if they were shouting from the end of a tunnel. I tried to look around but my vision began to blur. Black spots were everywhere. I was having a hard time keeping myself up. I felt weak and I just wanted to sleep. Maybe that's what was wrong. I was hallucinating from the lack of sleep...or alcohol poisoning. That made sense, right?

"Zayn!" I heard again. They sounded so far away but I recognized it.

"Louis?" I said and turned my head to see a figure running towards me.

I felt a body crash into me before I could fall to the ground completely. Arms wrapped around me and Louis' voice was frantic as it called out to me.

"Zayn! Oh God, Zayn!"

I knew he was right there. He was right beside me but I could barely hear him. Everything was fading. I couldn't feel anything and my eyes began to close.

"No, Zayn, look at me. Look at me! Shit, come on, Zayn!"

He began to shake me.

"Lou, please," I said slowly, "I'm so tired."

"Stay with me. Please! Keep your damn eyes open! Just hold on, help is coming! It's coming, Zayn, please."

After that, Louis' voice disappeared.

I heard nothing.

I felt nothing.

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