Something to Confess (Harry)

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The apartment was quiet again. Louis and Zayn had left for the night; both of them going back to their usual residence. Zayn had explained that he needed to finish some homework and catch up with his mother.

Louis had just said that he needed a break from the couch and, at least, have a couple nights in a normal bed. I didn’t blame him. Those couches had seen better days. Unfortunately, Niall didn’t have much of a choice. Now that Liam was back, Niall had to move to one of them. I had offered for him to take my bed, letting him know that I had slept on much worse, but he declined.

He seemed to be doing alright, as far as I could tell. I had expected him to be different, I suppose, but he wasn’t. He was just quiet, which didn’t surprise me. I thought that he had just gone for so long being oppressed that he just didn’t really know what to say. I figured it would take some time but I was sure he would come around.

I glanced down at my watch and breathed a heavy sigh. It was 2:43 in the morning and I was definitely tired but I couldn’t sleep. Healing Liam had taken a lot out of me but for some reason, my mind wouldn’t rest. I had tried laying down in hopes that I would eventually fall asleep but, instead, I remained wide awake, staring up at the ceiling.

My stare floated to my abandoned mattress and I thought about trying again. Maybe the help of the two of whiskey I just had would provide a little push. I had my doubts but I heaved myself from the chair anyway.

I padded over to my bed and fell onto it with a slump. I tried to let myself relax but was shaken by a sudden cry that rang throughout the room.

Quickly, I shot out of bed and tore open the curtains. My eyes landed on Niall who was now sitting up from the couch. I frowned but her shook his head, indicating that the sound didn’t come from him.

The shout sounded again and I hurried over to Liam’s bed. I pulled back the curtains to look down and found Liam thrashing about. Scorch marks covered the sheets and I had to put out a flame that had started on the edge of the bedside table. He was having a nightmare and I needed to wake him up before he burnt the entire place down.

I gripped my hands onto his shoulders and began to shake him.

“Liam, wake up,” I called.

After a few seconds, his eyes flashed open and he awoke with a gasp. He sat up and was breathing heavily. His eyes darted around the room until they fell on mine.

“Shit,” he breathed when he realized where he was and rubbed his hands over his face.

“It’s okay,” I assured, “it was just a dream.”

He fell back onto the bed, letting his arms hang over the sides of the mattress. He took in a few large inhales to regain regulation. Rubbing his hands over his face again, he sat back up.

“How long was I out?” he asked, his voice a bit groggy.

I shook my head, “I don’t know. Pretty much all day, I guess? It was about 1:30 in the afternoon when we found you in the hallway. You’ve been out ever since.”

“And Niall? Where is he? Is he okay?” His questions were rushed with slight panic.

“Whoa, cool it, chief. Niall is fine. He’s here.”

As if on cue, Niall came around the wall of the curtain and sat down on the end of the bed.

“What about the others? Did they make it?”

I nodded, “They’re home for the night but we were all here when we found you.”

“Okay,” he said, lowering his eyes. He then took in a sharp breath and reached for my arm.

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