Parental Misguidance (Zayn)

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[Hey everyone! See? I told you that you wouldn't have to wait very long. Book one has already gotten over 1,000 reads and I seriously don't even know what to do to myself. AH! This is just so exciting! As always, don't forget to vote and comment! I would love to know if you guys are enjoying the story! Alright, I'll leave you alone and remember, stay beautiful! :D]

"You needed a weakness"    "Harry!"  

"They're here! They're over here!"    "Remember what I told you...just run!"

"I'll come back for you, Liam!"

It had been nearly a week and a half since our mission to The Cage. Liam was still gone and no one seemed to bothered to do anything about it. To be honest, I didn't think any of us really knew what to do. The shock of having to leave Liam behind still hadn't worn off.

We tried to carry on with our routine to develop some sort of normalcy. Louis and I attempted to go back to our classes but I know that I couldn't focus long enough to even know what was going on.

I had talked with my mom a few days after but even her words carried little comfort. She had worn out her motherly phrase of 'everything will be okay'. She knew that that wasn't what I wanted to hear but I took it for all that it was worth.

Things were not okay. Liam had been captured and God only knows what they were doing to him. I hadn't seen him in any of the dreams and, as far as I knew, Louis didn't either.

As for Niall, he didn't really say much. He didn't really talk at all to be exact. We agreed to keep a close eye on him, making sure someone was with him at all times. It was easy because he wasn't very active. He slept a lot and spent most of his time outside on the balcony, taking whatever food he could get him hands on out with him. The kid ate like food was going out of style and we were constantly going out to re-up our supplies.

I trudged up the stairs, balencing a few bags of groceries in my arms as I climbed. Niall had left a list on the kitchen counter for me for me to find when I woke up earlier that morning. Most of the things were normal aside from the fact that he had requested multiple forms of chicken and a large emphasis on doughnuts.

I thought about the fact that he had probably been deprived of a lot of things while being in The Cage, and the kid could pass as a stick, so I felt obliged to meet his requests. Thankfully, Louis had been able to get an old fridge from a frat house so that we had a place to store all of the food.

I opened the door to the apartment and went straight to the kitchen to sit the bags down on the counter. I scanned the room while I began unloading the groceries. Nothing had really changed since I had left.

Harry was still sleeping heavily as I could hear his snores from beyond the curtains and Louis was lounging on the couch, focusing every bit of his attention towards the screen of his phone.

Everything was as I left it...except for Niall.

I searched the room again and he was no longer reading on the opposite couch.

"Uh, Louis?"

"Yeah?" he answered without taking his eyes away from his phone.

"Where's Niall?"

Louis didn't answer and I knew that he had returned his focus back to whatever he was doing on his phone.

Aggravated, I picked up the closest thing within my reach and threw it at him.

"Ah! What the-why are you throwing bananas at me?"

"Because you didn't answer my question!"

Louis furrowed his brows, "What question?"

"Where's Niall!?"

"He's outside again, Christ, Zayn, what's you-ow! Stop throwing food at me!"

"Louis, we've talked about this! Someone has to be with him at all times! You can't just let him outside by himself!"

"Zayn, calm down!" Louis retorted as he got up from the couch.

"No! We just got him out, Lou! Don't you think they're everywhere trying to find us?! God dammit, Louis, think for a minute! We've already lost one; do you want to lose another!?"

I could feel the heat in my body begin to rise and I knew that my face was flushed with red.

"Don't you think I know that?! I was there, too, Zayn, and I-".

"What the fuck is going on?!" Harry roared as he stumbled out from behind his curtains.

"Oh, well look who finally decided to show up!"

My voice was on point now and I could see Harry immediately put up his defenses.

When we got back from the mission, Harry started throwing anything he could get his hands on. A few lamps, bottles, and even a couple windows fell victim to Harry's rampage. It took us hours to calm him down and even longer to clean up his mess.

Ever since then, Harry refused to talk to anyone about what happened to Liam. Instead, he held himself up in his room, only coming out to either get more booze or more cigarettes.

When we had finally gotten the courage to ask him about what had happened, he answered by throwing back a bottle of Jack. When he wasn't drinking, he was smoking and when he wasn't smoking, he was sleeping. There was no in between and it had been going on the entire week and a half.

"What's that supped to mean?" Harry fired back.

"You know exactly what that means! You've been drunk for the last ten days and have done nothing to help any of this. Liam is gone and no one is doing anything about it!"

Louis spoke up then, "What are we supposed to do exactly?"

"Well, you could start being useful and watch out for Niall. He's-".

"Not an invalid, Zayn. He's grown and can take care of himself!"

I could feel the energy coming as the palms of my hands twinged and tingled. I was about to just let it happen. I didn't care at this point. I looked down at my hands as a few sparks escaped my grasp.

That was when I felt Harry come up to me, grabbed me by the shoulders and shoved me against the wall. I started to fight against his grip, only to be pulled forward and thrown against the hard bricks again.

"Zayn, stop!" Harry bellowed, "Stop this! Right now!"

I resisted for as long as I could before I could feel a sensation sweep over my body, causing me to feel weak and exhausted.

"Dammit, Harry," I said, my voice coming down to a normal volume.

"Zayn, look at me," Harry's voice was mellow as well and I reluctantly allowed myself to meet his gaze.

"What's wrong, huh? This isn't like you," Harry stated.

He was right. I wasn't one to blow up the way I did. I guess I had just been so overwhelmed by the recent events and, unfortunately for me, my way of dealing with it was to keep it all in like I always had. I was never good at expressing myself so I very rarely did it.

I shrugged as best as I could while Harry's hands still gripped my shoulders.

"I understand, okay? We're all upset but you need to calm down. There's no sense in flying off the handle. We're going to get through this. We'll figure something out, okay?"

My eyes stung with tears from the overexertion of emotion but I blinked them back as I nodded.

"Um, hey guys?" called an unfamiliar voice.

Harry and I both turned to see Niall standing next to Louis in the middle of the room. Harry dropped his hands and allowed me to move away from the wall.

"What is it, Niall?" Harry asked.

Niall looked at the three of us before he answered.

"Someone is coming."

As soon as the words left his mouth, a large thud rocked the door from the other side.

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