An Escape from Hell (Liam)

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I had nothing to compare to the pain that I felt. Every muscle felt beaten and broken. Even breathing presented as a struggle. When I opened my eyes, I was met with the same ceiling that I had been staring at for nine days.

Nine days.

It had nearly been a week and a half since I had allowed myself to be taken. I kept track of the days that had passed to provide some form of sanity. It wasn't much but it was all I had because if this wasn't Hell, it was pretty fucking close.

I closed my eyes again until I heard the door open, followed by several sets of footsteps. Hands grabbed my arms and began strapping to them, various wires and tubes. I felt the prick of several needles and some sort of cuffs were applied to my wrist. 

Restraints were then strapped around me and the table began to move, tilting me forward so that I was upright. I was able to look around and I saw that I had been hooked up to a large device. 

The door opened again and I heard familiar footsteps.

"Hello, Liam," she said, "My name is Rose."

It was the same woman who had confronted Harry and me in the hallway. She was wearing the same smirk she had given Harry.

"How are you feeling?" she asked, taking a few steps towards me.

I didn't answer her. Throughout this entire time, I hadn't said anything to any of them. They had tried to get information out of me. Information like how I had gotten through to their system as well as things about the others; Harry, in particular. When I refused their requests and interrogations, they thought they could beat it out of me.

"Still not speaking, I see. I wish you would talk to me. Hearing your voice would make me feel right at home. Tell me, when was the last time you were across the pond?"

I glared at her as she spoke, not once breaking eye contact. She cocked her head and smiled.

"No? Well, that's fine. You must be tired. I heard you haven't been able to get much sleep. How are you liking our little formula?"

She began towards me again, clasping her hands behind her back as she walked. Her gaze ran me up and down and she chuckled.

"I must say, you are very pretty. You're also quite, hmm, bigger than Niall. You get it honest, I suppose. I've seen a picture of them, your parents. They looked like lovely people. Were they?

Tell me, Liam, were you able to speak with your parents before they died? Did you watch them as they were murdered?"

My jaw clenched and I balled up my fists that were strapped to my sides. I could feel the heat begin to boil. 

"Oh, you were so small, so young. How did you deal with that all by yourself? I know your father had said something to you. Can you tell me what it was?"

The fire threatened to release but then I was hit by a searing pain. It streamed throughout my system, hitting every nerve, every cell of my body as I let out a cry.

Rose clicked her tongue while she shook her head at me.

"Ah, now Liam, were you trying to set me on fire?" she asked, placing her hands on her hips.

Another cry followed as the pain roared through my body again.

"Do you like this new machine? It can sense when you're trying to use your powers through these devices here," she informed, pointing to the cuffs on my wrists.

"It measures body heat as well as blood pressure and heart rate. It then processes the measurements that usually coincide when you're using your abilities to react in...well, you already know," she said with a shrug of her shoulder.

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