Chapter 1

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I wake up to the sound of the screams of my best friend Alana, and immediately am up and running towards the source of the plea for help. I’m in an unfamiliar house which works to my disadvantage when trying to navigate through it to save my best friend. I dash down the never ending hallway and up the stairs of the massive house and start my search on the second level. I creep down the corridor in fear of missing a key clue as to where Alana is. Her screams become more and more frequent until they sound as if they are originating from the other side of the dark cherry wood door I’m standing in front of. I burst through the door into the room without a second thought and immediately feel sick to my stomach. Alana is lying on the bed kicking and screaming while tears furiously run out of her usually bright hazel eyes. He is on top of her trying to rip her shirt off, but before He has the chance I scream as loud as I can to take His focus off of Alana. He momentarily looks at me then smirks that utterly evil smirk that I’ve grown to hate in all the years I’ve known Him and He pulls a sharp object out of His pocket. I begin to cry as I see the knife that is produced from His pocket and begin to panic at the hopelessness of the situation.

“Glad you came to see the show...” He smirks at me again while drawing the knife closer to the now exposed skin of Alana’s abdomen.

I’m at a loss for words as I try to produce a plan that would save us both, but the only thing I managed to come up with is a pathetic attempt at begging for Him to stop. “Pl-please. Please don’t do this. I’m sorry...I-I’ll do whatever you want from now on.”

“Oh but don’t you see. It’s too late for that. I don’t want you anymore you’re worthless to me, but you have been a very bad girl and bad girls like you need to be punished.” His sinister smile grows as the tip of the weapon runs up from her navel through the valley of her breasts and up to her face to give her nose a tap, a gesture meant to be fun and playful but here is just downright torturous.

I try to run towards Him to grab the knife out of His hand but as I begin running they become farther and farther away as he pushes the knife into her stomach and twists it around a bit. I scream and run faster but they slowly fade from my vision just as her life is fading from her eyes.

I jolt awake drenched in my own sweat, face covered in tears and completely and utterly alone. My mom is a cardiologist and gets calls in the middle of the night with the news of a new transplant being available. She got called in at about 10 tonight and would most likely be out until noon tomorrow. The nightmares have been reoccurring ever since The Incident and nights like these are the worst when no one is home to talk to, to be a distraction.

My alarm clock reads 3:30am and I know that I won’t be able to sleep for the rest of the night based on previous nights of insomnia so I decide to just get up and get an early start on the already long day. I walk downstairs into the family room and straight to the beautiful baby grand sitting in the far corner of the room and sit down on the worn bench. I pull the cover off the keys and just stare at them while gently running my fingers over the smooth ivory colored keys. I begin to play with no particular tune in my head, just letting the emotions swirling in my head, drowning me, out through my fingers. The melody that is produced is very dark and passionate. That is one of my great attributes. My mood is practically laid out in front of you when I sit down on the bench of my piano and play as it is the only way I can convey such feelings.

I’ve never been good at expressing myself with words which is why I turn to music in my times of desperation. As my fingers fly across the keys letting out all the pent up emotion I begin to feel my tensed up shoulders relax and my heart begin to return to a normal rate.

The house gets pretty lonely when mom is off at work and dad being overseas in Afghanistan doesn’t help. Most of the time I spend my days alone playing the piano or just lying down staring at the ceiling not really thinking about any one thing in particular. That’s all I seem to do since The Incident.

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