Chapter 3

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I’m at a loss for words by the bluntness of the boy in front of me. Without another word he turns on his heel and walks right out of the room leaving me stunned. The rest of the day I try looking for Luke to make sure that I avoid him and thankfully I don’t recognize his brown quiff anywhere.

At the end of the day I go straight home and throw my bag down on my bed and change into my new uniform for my job at the cupcake shop which consisted of black pants and a pink polo with a white apron adorned with a little cupcake logo. I guess I like working at the cupcake shop it’s not too hard or anything but sometimes Barbara can be a little too into telling me stories. It is nice to hear about someone else’s life for once though so most times I don’t mind. After I change I grab my keys and head down to the shop even though I’m starving. Oh well I’ll eat some cupcakes without Barbara noticing.

For most of the night business is pretty slow and I’m ready to close up shop when I hear the little bell at the door that signals customers. I walk to the front counter and see a boy about my age maybe a little older who is one of the most attractive men I have ever laid my eyes on. He smirks at me which causes a blush to rise on my cheeks and he walks over to the counter I am behind.

“Hello beautiful.” He says in the sexiest voice ever. If it wasn’t for the counter I might be on the ground.

“H-Hi” I stammer like the idiot I am.

“What’s your name?” he inquires.

“Um Dylan.” I reply timidly.

He looks at me strangely for a few seconds before recovering and questioning why I have a boy name. My mom wanted to name her first born child after her father and when I was born and they said it was a girl they had no other names picked out and she still had her heart set on naming me after her dad.

“Well I think it’s a beautiful name.” he grinned which had me blushing for the third time today.

“Thank you.” I whisper.

“Can I get one chocolate peanut butter cupcake and your number?” He winks at me.

“Sure one second.” I scramble to get his treat and find a piece of paper to write my number on for this beautiful man. So much for keeping everyone out, but hey I am still a girl who knows when she finds a man attractive and right now it is very apparent that I find him attractive. After packaging the cupcake and handing him the paper with my number I take the money from him for the cake.

“Thanks babe.” He throws me one last smile and a wink then just like that he is out the door and out of my sight. I take a deep breath to re-oxygenize my body and once I feel like I can walk properly I lock up shop and grab my things to head home.

Once again as I’m walking to my car I get the feeling that I’m being watched so as a precaution I put my keys in-between my fingers and take a quick look around my surroundings. I speed up my pace and once in my car I lock my doors immediately and check my phone for missed calls or messages. Surprisingly I have a text message from an unknown number.

Mystery number: hey girl who’s name I still don’t know. It’s almost seven are you ready for our date? ;)

Oh so it’s just Luke. Wait how did he get my number?

Me: there’s one flaw in your perfect plan for a perfect date. And how did you get my number I didn’t give you my phone?

Luke: I have my ways ;)

Me: Well go on then..

Luke: you left your phone on the piano so I texted myself. And what’s this flaw you speak of?

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