Chapter 5

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Pancakes. I awake to the smell of pancakes which is strange because mom is never home during the day. I stretch my limbs and sit up in my bed. When did I get here? When I fell asleep I was on the couch with Luke watching Friends. He must’ve carried me up to my bed when I fell asleep. All of a sudden the door to my room opens and in walks Luke with a tray full of pancakes, fruits and a glass of milk. When he sees that I’m awake he smiles at me which causes me to mirror his expression.

“Good morning piano girl.” He smiles.

“Why do you even call me that? You know my real name.” I retort.

“Good morning Luke, thank you for the totally amazing breakfast that you prepared just for me. You are the most incredible and sexiest guy I’ve ever met.” He teases, imitating me. This causes me too laugh like I haven’t laughed in a really long time. I really don’t know what I would do without him.

“Thank you.” I say as he sets the tray down in front of me. Taking a strawberry I pop the sweet fruit into my mouth and fight back a moan of satisfaction.

I eat a few bites of pancake, and then look up at Luke. He is just staring at me with no particular look on his face. Even after I’ve caught him, he doesn’t make any attempt to look away.

Swallowing the last bit of pancake in my mouth I ask, “Why are you always staring at me?”

“Because I think you’re beautiful.” He reply’s simply.

Words like this are the kind that leave me without the ability to come up with a reply. I just stare back at him as our faces near each other and he presses his forehead against mine.

“What are you doing to me?” he whispers softly.

He was holding my right hand while rubbing circles into the back of my hand and as if by instinct my eyes flutter shut. We were just sitting there inhaling each other’s scent and enjoying being in each other’s presence. I wish this moment right here with him would never end. With every hug and every touch, I feel electricity course through my veins. Every moment with him is thrilling and amazing, yet terrifying. I don’t know if my heart can afford to trust someone again.

I’m the first to pull away from our little embrace and look down at the disarray of bed sheets surrounding me.

“Penny for your thoughts?” Luke questions using the same line I used on him last night.

“I just- I’m scared.” I barely get out.

“Of what?”

“Getting hurt again. I can’t let myself trust anyone anymore. Not after what happened.”

“What happened? If I know then I can’t possibly make the same mistake.”

“No. You can’t know.” I glare at my balled up fist.

“Why won’t you open up to me? I’m trying to be there for you but you aren’t making it very easy for me.” He’s growing frustrated, I can tell.

“I don’t know how to let people in. I only know how to keep them out.”

“Is this some game to you? Reject me all the time but call me when you’re so vulnerable. Why didn’t you just call that other guy huh?”

“Why do you keep bringing that up? What I do is none of your business. You’re not my boyfriend so stop acting like it!” I’m shouting now. How could such a perfect moment be ruined in such a short amount of time.

“I get it! I’m just the guy that you use when you need something because you know that I’ll always be there.” He yells. “But not anymore. I won’t bother you anymore. I know where I’m not wanted.”

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