Chapter 13

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The rest of the day goes by slowly, but I don't really mind. I'm glad that I have some time to think about things. Even if I have to do some school work in between. Soon enough the final bell of the day is ringing, dismissing me from my day of learning. I gather up my things and saunter over to Dylan's locker.

When I turn the corner, I see Dylan at her locker looking at a piece of paper. She looks worried and almost like she might throw up. I back up and hide behind the corner of the wall and peer around it to get a view of her without her noticing. She reads over the paper before crumbling it up and shoving it in her bag roughly. She quickly exchanges her books and looks around with paranoia written clear across her features. I hide behind the wall as she looks my way, then I emerge from my hiding spot as she looks away. I walk up behind her and grab at her sides, slightly tickling her.

She jumps away from me and hits my hands away, but relaxes when she sees that it's me. 

"Someone's jumpy." I tell her.

"I'm sorry I wasn't expecting you to scare me like that."

"It's cool..You okay?" I ask, knowing that she probably won't tell me.

"Yeah I'm fine." She says. Bullshit. I know she's lying but I don't call her out on it just yet. I don't want her to know that I was spying on her, but I will confront her about this later. I just don't want to jeopardize that just yet considering we just got back on good terms. 

Silently we walk out to my car so I could take her home. The drive home is filled with a comfortable silence as the radio lightly plays. I drop her off and drive towards my home for the night. When I get in, I take off my shoes and head up to my room to get my homework done. I've never been one for procrastinating. I just like to get it done right away. As I finish my English assignment my phone buzzes next to me. 

Mystery Person: Stay away from her. She's mine.

I stare at the message in complete shock. Are they talking about Dylan?

Me: Who is this?

Mystery Person: My name isn't important. What is is you staying away from my girl.

I don't respond, not being able to come up with anything else to say. Who is this person and how did they get my number? Most importantly why were they telling me to stay away from their girl? Dylan was mine. End of story.

Dylan's POV:

Just when I thought my life was getting back to normal, I get another curve ball thrown at me. From the moment I wake up I'm on guard waiting for an attack. I've resorted back to cautiously turning the corner and being afraid of my own shadow.  I absolutely hate feeling like this and I thought it was all over when I moved across the country, as far away from him as I could get.

Naturally the only way I could think to cope with this is to play. It's been a while because I've had Luke by my side. He makes me feel so safe, like nothing could possibly harm me, but I don't want to get him involved with this. I have a feeling that whoever it is that keeps sending all these messages means business and I don't want to get Luke involved in the chaos that is my life. He is innocent in all of this and I don't think I could live with myself if he got hurt because of me. So I just have to keep Luke at a distance for a while until I know that everyone I love is safe. The problem is I don't think I could distance myself from Luke. Call me selfish but I need him and he needs me.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2015 ⏰

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