Chapter 9

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After I get my pajamas on and get ready for bed I crawl under my sheets and try to fall asleep as fast as possible to get this day over with. Just as I'm about to fall asleep my phone buzzes on my bedside table and I feel my heart flutter at the thought of it being a text from Luke.

I pick my phone up off the table and press the button to give life to the screen, blinding myself. Once my eyes adjust to the light I open the message and my heart sinks. It's not from Luke which I half expected but I hoped for.

Grayson: Hey babe. :) I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date tomorrow? Xx 

I think about it for a second before typing back a reply. I thought about shutting off my phone and ignoring his text but I just wouldn't be able to sleep knowing that message is sitting there unanswered.

Me: Yes. I would like that. :)

Luke wanted me to feel what he was feeling, well two can play at this game.

Dylan's POV:

 When I wake up the next morning after the shitty day I had yesterday, I find myself reflecting on what went wrong. Everything was absolutely perfect until I read the back of the necklace and me being me, I had to ruin it all. I wish I wouldn't have been so stupid and just told him that I felt the same way to prevent the fight, but a bigger part of me wasn't willing to give up my own feelings for him. Does that say something about how I feel about him?

Then I start thinking about how he said he was only trying to get me to spill my secrets. He didn't even care about me so why was I the one sitting here fantasizing about how the night could have gone differently. In a way I'm glad I did what I did because it saved me from even more heartbreak down the road. If I had found out what I know now when I was sure that I did love him, I would be ruined. There would be no recovery this time.

I spend a good 30 minutes just lying in bed not doing anything, not having the motivation to get up and carry on with my day. When I do finally decide to get up, I take a quick shower and throw on some comfortable clothes before getting breakfast. 

As I'm indulging on the sweet sugary taste of Reese's Puffs, I find myself gripping the spoon in my hand a little tighter with every bite. The more time I spend thinking about last night and what Luke said, the angrier I get towards the whole situation. My mom's advice creeps into my mind and makes my anger even more magnified.

'He wanted you to feel a little bit of what he was feeling.'

Why couldn't he just tell me how he was feeling instead of ripping what was left of my fragile heart to pieces and spitting on them right in front of me? Why couldn't he see that I was trying to let him in but I was also trying to prevent him from getting hurt because I care a lot about him?

I finish the rest of my cereal and head up to my room to check my social media and do some writing to vent my feelings as best I can into words. I've never been good with words but I've recently tried to start expressing myself in another way other than my piano. Don't get me wrong, piano is and always will be my favorite form of expression but I felt that I needed another outlet that I could revisit years down the road and see how far I've come.

I sit down at my desk and open the top of my laptop and wait while it boots up. I click the home button on my phone to bring the screen to life before clicking the Tumblr app and checking what's new. I bounce around from app to app and find nothing terribly interesting or new to immerse myself with. 

The last thing I check is my messages, not that I have any. When I open the little messaging icon, I'm met with the conversation with Grayson from last night. I reread his invitation for a date and my accepting of the date. I frown as I see that I accepted it when I had just gotten into a fight with Luke after all we've been through.

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