Could This Be Love At First Sight ~ Ryden Story #1

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"Hey! Bren get the fuck off me!!"

Ryan screams. Normally Ryan would love for Brendon to be all over him, but they just finished a show and they're tired and sweaty. Brendon just keeps on jumping on Ryan, completely unaffected by the older boys words. "Bren I said OFF!"

Just then Brendon stops fully shocked by Ryan's words, and trips on one of his abandoned shoes. The world seemed to go in slow motion as brendon fell, and Ryan froze in his place, unaffected by the young boys clumsiness. as Brendon tries to catch himself, he grabs on to a lone cloth, a tablecloth. the table cloth does nothing to help the poor boy's fall, so brendon turns at the last minute and lands.

"Shit, Brendon, are you okay?!?"

Ryan yells into oblivion. "Umm . . . Ryan I think we need a hospital." the fallen one says calmly.

*An Ambulance Ride Later*

"Where's Ryan?"

Brendon asks after getting out of his X-ray, kinda panicked.

"Brenny? I'm right here."

Ryan replied.

"When can I leave, you know I hate hospitals, they make me depressed -" Brendon was cut off

"because people die here, I know." Ryan finished.

"The doctor said that you sprained your ankle, and have to be kept overnight, and yes Brendon I'll stay" Ryan said before Brendon could even open his mouth.

"Thanks Ry."

*A Few Hours Later*

"Ryan are you awake?"

Brendon asks, feeling mildly like a girl at a sleepover.

"Yes Bren, now go back to sleep."

Ryan whispered back.

" but I can't, Ryan will you lay with me?"

"sure Brendon."

Brendon heard rustling, then footsteps as Ryan came to his hospital bed in the dark and laid down. Brendon just stared at Ryan's outline lying on his bed.

"Bren, close your eyes."

"But I can't shit my brain off!"

Brendon whispered

"Why can't you shut it off, what are thing about Brenny Boo?"

ryan said back


the young boy replied. for a moment ryan couldn't think, he dreamt brendon would say this.

"What about me?"

"Your pretty eyes and soft hair, and just you."

All of a sudden a face was right in front of Ryan's. Brendon's lips began their slow descend to Ryan's lips. When they touched down it was like a cliche movie moment, with fireworks and hearts. quickly Ryan pulled back realizing that Brendon was hopped up on laughing gas and morphine, and doesn't know what he is doing, or will he remember.


Brendon whined.

"Come back!!"

"Brendon, I'll make you a deal. if you remember this, and still want it in the morning, we can try it again. okay?"

"Fine, Ryan."

"Goodnight Bren."

"Goodnight Ry."

*The Next Morning*

"So Ryan, how about that deal?"



Hiii! This was a quick little winged story I made. Soon a story will be written by one girl from @panicattheross (they write a great story called behind the sea, go check it out!!) her insta is @8_days_a_weeke so yeah see ya soon these will e posted on Fridays, Mondays, and Wednesdays.


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