Chapter 1

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[The Shooting Stars]

Seulgi was an idiot.

Yep, that was what she was.

No other way to say it.

And she could scream, she could yell, she could shout out into the open night, but she can't change the fact that she was an idiot.

Because she let all her chances slip away.

And that's sort of how she found herself sitting alone on nothing but sand at the beach strip near their flat, her shared flat with Irene, on the night she actually finally found the courage to tell her the truth.

The truth of how she felt.

That she was in love with her.

It took years of processing, yes, but she finally got there.

And Irene just had to ruin it.

Well, technically, it's not Irene's fault.

Irene left six months ago to go on some sort of soul searching trip. It's been a year and a half after Red Velvet finally had disbanded, and she wanted to find her calling, not being able to do just that as she settled in with Seulgi in LA.

Irene kept in touch the whole time, calling Seulgi each night or day before falling asleep, after waking up. The distance gave Seulgi the perspective she needed, something her ex-boyfriend and somehow rival had been trying to point out to her for some time now.

But apparently the trip was what also brought stupid Sehun.

Sehun who Irene met while she was backpacking through Europe.

Sehun who's been keeping her company.

Sehun who was taking her on romantic and spontaneous dates.

Sehun who Irene decided to start dating while on her trip stating it wasn't exactly a serious thing but it wouldn't hurt if she tried being out there.

And Seulgi just nodded and smiled as Sehun "weaseled" his way into Irene's life, thinking he's just a temporary fling.

Hoping that as soon as Irene returns she'll have her chance, because Irene would most likely call it quits.

Because that's how Irene kept painting the picture for her.

So Seulgi figured she could wait until Irene returns and prepare a surprise for her.

Sweep her off her feet.

Boy was Seulgi wrong.

Because as soon as she got home on that most awaited day of Irene's return, she spotted Sehun driving away from their place.

And she immediately saw Irene leaning on the edge of the armrest of their couch looking at - possibly admiring, but Seulgi won't ever admit that - a black velvet box with a matching shiny ring and instantly the former Idol knew.

Stupid Sehun proposed.

Who the hell proposes after six months of dating to someone they met while backpacking through Europe?

Apparently Sehun does.

And as much as Seulgi hated to admit it, it was romantic as hell.

Seulgi barely registered anything that Irene said after the obligatory hug and "I missed you". All she could feel was the storm building up inside of her. It was like all life was draining away from her and all she could feel was that hurt and pain as the thought occurred to her.

She was too late.

Too late.

Irene started telling her the story about how Sehun proposed, and Seulgi knew she had to walk away.

She couldn't stay and hear the details.

Or how Irene said "Yes".

Because she's not a masochist.

And at that moment, all her fears were coming true.

Sort of.

She let the visual goddess breakdown her walls and let her in.

And now she's about to walk away.

With stupid Sehun.

So yeah, Seulgi pretty much just up and left, leaving a confused Irene behind without letting her finished her story.

And that's how she found herself at the private beach strip, where she planned to take Irene for a late night picnic. There was going to be a meteor shower that night, and apparently everyone in their neighborhood was looking forward to it.

Their whole apartment complex even had a mandatory "lights off" time so that they could all enjoy the sight of countless of shooting stars illuminate the night sky.

Seulgi thought it would be the perfect moment to bare all her heart and soul to Irene.

But that picture perfect moment in her mind was now gone, and Seulgi found herself alone.

She must have been there for a good few hours, shutting her phone off to avoid Irene's calls.

The visual goddess had probably spotted her by then but for some reason she was keeping her distance from her.

Or she was probably busy with Sehun.

Stupid perfectly romantic Sehun sweeping the girl of her dreams off of her feet.

She was the one who was supposed to do the sweeping.

But no.

Sehun had to be there.

He had to exist and enter the picture.

Yeah, Seulgi was quite upset.

Upset she missed her chance.

The meteor shower started.

And Seulgi watched in awe.

Not being able to stop herself, Seulgi closed her eyes and made a wish.

Surely one of those many shooting stars would grant her wish, right?

"I wish it wasn't too late. I wish I can rewrite history. I wish I got the chance, the chance to be with Irene."

Seulgi said, taking a deep breath afterwards as she laid down the sand and looked up.

"Because I promise I won't ever let her go if I did." she whispered.

And before she knew it, Seulgi fell asleep. She was exhausted.

But just as she did, a sudden burst of lights appeared in the sky, more and more meteors illuminating the night and some sort of schism briefly appearing. To one with a keen eye, they would notice that there was actually a sudden rift in the time and space continuum suddenly appearing and disappearing in a short split second.

Everything froze.

Except for Seulgi.

Because she was sleeping on the particular bit of the beach strip exactly below where the rift in the clouds had appeared.

Seulgi had no idea of what kind of rude awakening was in store for her.


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